Bar Lovers - Mark

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I peeled open my dry eyes as my phone alarm went crazy, telling me to "GET OUT OF BED, YOU LAZY SHIT YOU'VE HIT SNOOZE FIVE TIMES."
Once I forced myself to pick my tired ass and get up out of bed, and turned off my alarm, I meandered into the kitchen of my new apartment.
I was dreading today, because I had to work double shift at the local club that I was just hired at.
It wasn't my first choice, definitely not my first choice, but they paid well, were looking for new people to come work, and the rent didn't pay itself.
Oh how I wish.
So, from noon until 8, I worked. Cleaned glasses, wiped up vomit, and surprisingly I only had to call the police once, which was a personal best. But I really started to get frustrated when a male coworker called in "sick" when obviously you could hear a girl in the background telling him to "hurry up!" So now, I was working until midnight.
But, my day suddenly got much more interesting when four loud men made their way into the bar around 10.
One had a loud voice and even louder hair, as it was died a bright green.
The second was tall and lanky...his hair a light brown.
The third wasn't as short as the first. He had a little weight on him, brown hair and a light stubble.
But the fourth was the one that caught my eye. Not the tallest, but definitely the most muscular. He was tan, and the top part of his hair was died a vibrant red. The rest of his hair was either black or really dark brown. Because of the poor lighting, I couldn't tell. He had stubble that made him ten times more attractive then he already was, and dark eyes.
While the other three went over to a pool table to save it for a game, this man made his way over to me.
"Hello," He said, smiling genuinely at me, "I'm Mark and my buddies would like a tray of shots." He seemed already like a very real person. Guys here would usually wink and make promises of sex if I would wave them a drink. When would they realized trying to flirt me into a drink wouldn't work?
"A-And for you?" I asked, realizing I paused too long looking at his face, thinking about his strangely respectful behavior.
"Oh, I can't drink. Doctors orders," He chuckled.
"Well, then I'll get you a water," I said, and as I filled the glass he sat down at the bar.
"So, what is your name? I told you mine so it's only fair you do the same."
I laughed a bit and replied, "Y/N." I bit my lip. I never gave my name out to usually gave them a reason to shout it rudely across the room.
"Well, Y/N, I come here a lot and I've never seen you before."
Here we go.
"Well...I just moved here from (hometown). I got the first job I could, the apartments here are super expensive, and rent won't pay itself," I said, shrugging, and handed him the tray of shots and his glass of water.
"Thank you," He said, reaching towards his pocket to get some money.
I knocked on the counter to get his attention before he got to his wallet.
"Nope, you're on the house tonight," I said.
"I insist-" He started.
I raised and eyebrow.
"Okay, okay," He said, holding his hands up in surrender, "I'll just have to get you a drink sometime to pay you back for it."
I tilted my head and smiled, "You know, for once, I might take up that offer."
That night when he returned the tray just as my shift finished. He winked at me, then ran out the door before I could say anything. I picked up the tray to clean it, and saw a $20 bill and a note with some writing and a cell number:
I'll see you soon for that drink ;)
I wish you luck with your apartment, text me if you need anything

Maybe this job isn't so bad after all.

Wrote this one a while ago and never published.

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