Dear Rachel,

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Dear Rachel,
You are one of my bestest friends and I know that I can be difficult, inappropriate, and sometimes selfish, but I want to thank you for putting up with me for the past couple of years.

You've been there for the ups and downs and you've seen me on my good days and my bad. You've helped me through problems and since you're older than me I can come to you with any questions.

"If your mom and your dad had a baby, it would look exactly like you 😄..... Oh wait 😳😂"
Probably my blondest moment ever, and it was about you. What I was really trying to say was that you are a beautiful young girl. You have bright blue eyes that look like the sky and your hair is as black as ash. When you get older I know you'll be as beautiful as your mother, probably even more beautiful!

But I want to thank you for hiding under Mr. Wilson's desk and talking to me in fourth grade. I knew you where the new girl, but i wanted to talk to you before anyone else could because I looked at you and said to myself "That shirts made out of best friend material"
Thank you for being one of my greatest friends ❤️

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