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Lily's POV  (Present)

Hamish was out of town and I had no
plans for the weekend. So I did the

usual, watched some Netflix and
drank some wine. After that I took a shower and layed down in bed

I looked at the time, 1:24AM and I couldn't sleep

I missed sarah so much, but ever since she met Holland it's like I didn't

matter anymore, like if I was suddenly a nobody

Did she forget about me? All we've been through?

After about 30 minutes of laying in bed and gathering my thoughts,

I finally decided to build up the courage to text her

Lily: Hey sarah, how've you been? I really miss my love pants

It was immediately marked read✔
And a sense of hope filled lily

4 mins...
An hour later and still no response

"What the fuck did I ever do to you?" Is all Lily could think of as she set her phone down on the night stand

With the little bit of hope lily still had in her, lily waited another hour, and still nothing.

She couldn't help but think of all those times in Asylum, and Coven

Where her and sarah we inseparable always by each other's side.

She even recalled one night sarah cradling her as they both drifted to

sleep and right before they did a simple "I love you" mumbled out of sarah

"Did it all mean nothing?"
"Was I only used to fill her loneliness while she was still trying to find "the one" "? "But I thought I was the one..."

Is all lily could think of before she cried herself to sleep.

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