Chapter Thirty One

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Dedicated to Cupcake_Warrior001 - A Lovely Reader :)

Day fell quickly to nightfall as I watched the last of Chase's visitors be thanked by Lacey. I lost count of the nameless faces that had stopped by to wish him well as he slept. Franca even made an appearance which was exactly the moment I decided to get a coffee with Mia and return well after she had left the premises.

Flowers flowed in his room along with a bag of letters and cards from all who know him and fans alike. I was sure that the hospital staff were sick of delivering the paper well wishes as much as we dreaded opening them all.

Lacey, Mia and I sat in separate chairs around Chase's bed quietly opening each letter and reading the contents. Stories of how he has been an inspiration to fans, prayers for his recovery and love were etched over each piece of paper I opened before sitting them in a neat pile for Chase to view when he was well enough.

"This little girl is in hospital too" Mia said with sad eyes whilst holding up a photo of a young girl with tubes coming out of her nostrils and dark bags under her eyes. "She says that Chase is her favorite singer and her Mum plays his songs whenever she feels down to cheer her up." We all sat quietly looking at Mia with sad expressions over our faces. "She also says he should put on his CD so he can feel better too."

"That is so beautiful" I said looking to both Mia and Lacey. All of a sudden a sound of humming came from the hospital window causing all three of us to stand and make our way over to the other side of the room. As we looked down on the hospital grounds below us, we could see a large group of people holding candles and banners as they all softly hummed one of Chase's songs. I was surprised that hundreds of people had flocked to the grounds in support of their idol, laying flowers at the hospital steps and singing in harmony as Chase lay sleeping, unaware of the extraordinary amount of support he was receiving.

"Wow!" gasped Mia in awe of the scene below us.

"Humbling isn't it?" Lacey said with a smile whilst lightly squeezing my arm before walking back to continue opening the letters of support for Chase.

I followed Lacey to the pile of letters and sat quietly listening to the beautiful tune coming from the window. Thoughts of Chase speaking another woman's name in his sleep filled my mind as I tried to remember any mention of the name Clara. My memory came up bare as I searched every crevice for the smallest clue to her identity. I fought with my mind as I tried to push the thought of her being the same person that had sent him text messages, far to the back of my subconscious. I moved all of my focus to the opening and reading of the letters so I didn't have to feel the pain of the dire thoughts that crept through my mind. Like a robot, I opened the envelopes, read over the words of support and encouragement and placed the letter gently on the pile of others before taking another.

I ripped a pink envelope open to find a white piece of paper with magazine clippings for letters. The colours struck me as a pretty change from the hand written notes that came before it and caused me to think of a little girl delicately cutting and pasting the letters to the page in hope her idol would appreciate it. As I read the words, all lovely thoughts came to a holt in my mind and fell from it in the same way the smile fell from my face.

"ChASey BaBY,

wHY dIdN'T yoU PicK up MY CalLs? I WANteD tO WaRn YoU. ThE KniFE wAS mEANt foR HER NoT YoU!

GeT BeTTEr sO wE CaN finalLy bE ToGeTHER.

I LOvE yOu X"

With a gasp, I dropped the letter and stood paralyzed to the spot. My eyes were open wide, as I trembled with fear.

"What is it?" gasped Lacey as she looked up worried from my expression. She bent down to take the letter in her hand before reading it out aloud for Mia to hear.

"Oh my god!" she shrieked as she looked to my face with a terrified expression.

"It has to be Katie!" she yelled as she ran from the room. Mia dropped the pile of letters from her lap and ran to my side, quietly holding me as I continued to stand shaken from the words I had just read.

"They wanted to kill me" I whispered as I continued to tremble in her arms. For the first time in all of the time I had known her, Mia had nothing to say. She held me tighter as she rubbed her hand over my hair, trying her best to comfort me. Although I could tell she was just as petrified in that moment as I was.

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