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I stare out the window as I think about every good memory I had with Ricky and John all the amazing family memories that made me realize Ricky is the one I want to spend my life with. So why didn't I , a question that I ask myself but can't seem to answer.

Ricky was an amazing father and he loved me but in the end it seemed to me that he was only with me for John and I want to be with someone that will be with me for me. There was a time when we were actually in love, but being engaged made us fall apart. My parents began to pull into the airport. I still can't decide what to do so I start thinking about all these different things that would convince myself to go to New York and that I making the right choice. But deep down in the pit of my stomach I knew this is the wrong choice and the person I'm suppose to be with is at home with my baby. I do love Ricky and I'm still in love with him and I will never love anyone like I loved him, and I would not go to New York if Ricky told me he was IN love with me. But he didn't so I have to stick to my head and not my heart.
Anne:" Are you ok"
"No I'm not, I know what I should do but it's not what I want to do"I say as I began to break down and cry.
Anne:"Amy ,what do you think you should do?"
"I think I should go to New York"
Anne:" then go!"
George: " What does your heart say,Amy"
" that I didn't give Ricky anytime to express his self and that I messed up and that I should run back to Ricky."
George: " then that's what you follow"
Anne: "GEORGE!!"
"No mom dad is right I need to follow my heart I just hope that Ricky can forgive me"
My dad looks at me proudly and he begins to turn around the car.
"Wait!"I yell, "I think I should go for A week and wait to see where Ricky head is at."
George:" are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure"
George:" you know Amy, men have a hard time expressing themselves. We are not female who express whatever is on our heart and mind. You should have gave Ricky a chance to express himself, we take a little longer then women. Did you ever ask Ricky about what you heard or did you just break his heart then ask.

[ Ricky's POV]
I'm seating on the couch with John while I'm reading a story to him. He stops and ask me if his mommy coming home soon. I look at my son with his big brown eyes and I tell him the truth.
" I don't know buddy, I don't know"
As I say those words tears began to form in my eyes. I just wish I could tell her how I felt before she leaves. I pull out my phone and began to text Amy.

Ricky:Amy , I just wanted to let you know that I have always been IN love with you, I was in love with you when we first met at band camp but I didn't know how to address those feelings, and I still don't.
Amy: Ricky are you just saying that?
Ricky:No I'm not I would have said it sooner but you didn't give me a chance to express myself, you crushed my heart then asked me and after that I put a wall up and I couldn't say it.
Amy: but you told me what's the difference.
Ricky: I said that because I thought why should I tell Amy that I'm in love with her now, all she going to do is leave me.
Amy: I'm sorry I crushed your heart, will you give me a chance to fix it.
Ricky: it may take a while, but like I always told you I will never give up on us forever and always. I fell in love with you Amy.
Amy: I'm in love with you too.

When Amy texts me those words I got so excited. I guess we are not completely over yet there hope for me and Amy and my little adorable family.

[Amy's POV]
I began to cry, but it is tears of joy I can't believe this is happening. Before I know what I'm during I running out the airport I look behind me to see my parents chasing me. My dad smiling but my mom looks confused.
"Amy!" I hear behind , but I don't stop to see who it is I continue to run and I wave my hand in the year trying to catch a cab or even the bus. As soon as I'm in the cab I tell them the address to Ricky place.
My phone begins to buzz and I look down to see its my mom ,but I don't answer. I think to myself I'm coming Ricky just hold on.

The secret life of an American Teenager: part 2Where stories live. Discover now