The adventure for the golden bacon strip

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So one day, in the land of wherever, there were three humans. These humans were known as Damon, Makiel, and Isaiah. One day these humans decided to go on an adventure to retrieve the golden bacon strip. It was fabled to give control over the bacon-people.
"Alright. I took that map you mentioned, Makiel. You also owe me a phone charger." Damon said, who seemed to retain his carefree mood even after losing his charger. "Whatever." The self appointed leader muttered. "So are we going or not?" Isaiah asked, seemingly curious for a change. Makiel nodded, and the three set out.
The three traveled to the start of their journey, also known as the land of Wal-Mart. "Wait, did anyone remember the drinks?" Damon asked, two minutes later. "Um. No, sorry." Isaiah apologized. "Dammit Isaiah." Makiel and Damon said at the same time, both rather irritated at the black haired child. They continued on anyways, all of them craving the sweet relief of mountain dew. After a while though, they stumbled upon a tree. This was not just any tree though, it was- "GUYS LOOK IT'S A DORITO TREE HOLY CRAP" Damon screamed, obviously excited by the MLGness of this tree.
After they ate their fill of Doritos, they set out again. The next landmark they stumbled upon, was a ugly apartment complex. "Well, we're close to being half of the way there." Isaiah said. Soon, they came upon the fabled mountain dew lake. "I thought this was just a legend holy crap." Makiel said, in awe of all of the mountain dew. The three soon drank their fill, and soon came upon the third landmark, a airhorn plantation. "THE MLG IS STRONG HERE" Damon screeched, obviously excited. Soon after, they came upon the final step in their journey, the mountain of dank memes. This mountain has many dank memes that will try to stop you, and bring you to their lair to become a dank meme as well. After avoiding many of these memes, they arrived at Bacon Village, which was directly in front of the cave entrance. As they traveled through the village, they looked at how advanced the civilization was. A mere five minutes later, they arrived at the cave. They traveled through the cave, reading the ancient language of the Bacon Strips. They soon arrived at the holding chamber, and one, only one of them stepped forward to retrieve the Golden Bacon. It was Makiel, the self appointed leader. He picked up the Bacon, and almost immediately, MLG changes came over him. He had sunglasses, and the traditional airhorn fanfare. It was official. He was the leader. As they came out of the cave, one Bacon Strip came up to Damon, and said one thing, that confused them all. "Damon, I am your internet browser. "

---THE END--

pls don't judge me Mkay bye

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