As u can tell by the title this is a rant i just feel like im losing my friends and i feel like its because im annoying and dont say im not because i know im really annoying and i feel like my friends like PrinncessBubbles101 and EchoDemon27 and so on they know who they are i feel like they hate me the most because there ignoring me and i feel like a let down so i think im getting to the end of the rant so i guess if u are still my friend comment or something idc and one last thing I know that those people I mentioned hate me because they both have blocked me on social media for no god damn reason even tho I've reached out to them and stood up for them so apparently I'm so annoying for being fucking nice and caring for them so I guess I'm a pile of shit for being a good and helpful friend so I guess I'm done for now good bye