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Moonlight peered through my curtains as I tip toed to my door. Is Mom still awake? She's always been against all this, claiming the reason was because I'm a girl. I hope she's asleep. Just as I was about to try to open the door, I heard a quiet tap on my window. As quietly and quickly as I could, I walked over. Unfortunately, the floor underneath my feet creaked. I know what's going to happen next within about 5 seconds tops. Letting go of the curtains, I leaped onto my bed, JUST as my door swings open. The light from the hallway stalked into my room after my mom. Underneath the covers, I try my best not to move or breathe so hard. But she somehow always knows I'm just pretending to be asleep. Even with my eyes tightly shut and a layer of blanket between us, I can feel her glare on me.
Mom surprised me today though. Instead of scolding me, she calmly said, "Go, Freya, I guess they need you to protect them more than I need you to stay in your bed. At least you've been staying safe at home for a week."
I sat up straight, "Really?"
She sighed, "Go before I change my mind, Frey." I jumped out of bed and gave her a quick peck on her cheek before running to my window. After adjusting my weapons and gear tightly wrapped around my body, I jumped out the window.
Trenton was waiting on the ground for me. As soon as I landed, he smacked the back of my head, "Pull up your mask, idiot."
I rolled my eyes but listened to him and moved the mask up to cover the bottom half of my face. I looked around, "Where's Jay?"
Trenton shrugged, "He wasn't there when I went to get him earlier." I nodded and ran in front of Trenton to be the leader even though I had no idea which house we were planning to rob.
"So who are we targeting today?"
Trenton shook his head, "We can't today. There's a house that we need to check on apparently."
"What do you mean?"
"Jay left a note for me on his window."
I looked at the sticky note "The Grovers household". I turned to continue walking but instead of the silent night, I could hear footsteps. I stopped walking and turned, Trenton was a bit far away, limping. I ran over, "Trenton, what's wrong?"
He looked away from me, "I...I haven't fed."
I stared at him, he did look paler than usual and he sounded a bit cracks and weak. I hit myself mentally for not noticing it sooner. Rolling my eyes, I asked him, "Why not?"
"My mom...."
"She's still not accepting it?"
"Not a chance."
"Don't worry, maybe we'll find an animal around here for you."
He snorted, "Now that would be a freakin miracle."
I sighed, "Then just wait till we get home, I'll ask my dad for some of his animals."
Trenton stared at me for awhile but avoided my eyes.
We continued on our way but this time, I waited for him so we went much slower and before. Although Trenton and I were always arguing and bickering even as kids, we were each other's biggest supports at times like this. I just wish Jay was here, he would've been more help to Trenton.
But as we walked towards our destination, I realized that we were going too slow so I tried to hold his hand be his support but instead, Trenton just shook me off. He muffled something into his mask but this time, I couldn't make out what it was that he said. Either way, I didn't try again.

We stopped in front of a huge mansion that almost reaches town in the corner of the huge forest we were in. I walked ahead to the front door and tried the door handle. I jiggled it but it was locked. I pulled a hair pin out of my hair and unlocked it. Wow that was easier than I thought.
Trenton pushed me aside gently and went into the house first. You would think that I'd find it sweet and at first, I kind of did but that was only for the first few minutes. He walked SO slow! I swear I was THIS close to kicking his butt just to make him move faster. But of course, I tried my best to remain calm, knowing his situation, and took the lead from him instead. Once again, I was the leading lady.
After checking around, I realized nobody was in there. Since all was clear, we tiptoed up the stairs. When we got to around what seems to be the middle of the staircase that never seemed to end, Trenton nearly tumbled down the steps. I had grabbed his hand and ended up holding it the rest of the way instead of letting go. He should've stayed home in this condition.
As I clutched his hand and pulled him up the staircase with me, I realized it was getting extremely warm in this place. Was he sweating, or was it me? I shook my head, no no, think about something else, Freya.
I turned my attention to the place we were in. There were literally no normal looking walls. Instead, the whole place was made of mirrors. It's surprising though because it looked just like an old Victorian place from the outside with a broken gate. I saw myself and Trenton reflected on every mirror. Two figures dressed in black clothing with hidden faces.
I was lost in my own thoughts but Trenton seemed to have had heard something because he suddenly squeezed my hand back and pulled me into a room with him. It was cramped in there and I realized the small room even had a door back to the staircase. Did I miss this door or was it purposely portrayed as a mirror or to get me confused? Judging by the looks of this tiny room, it's probably just a closet.
I tried to think about every other thing and be interested in everything else to keep my mind off of Trenton and me and the fact that our bodies were pushed up against each other. I tried not to breathe too hard onto his hand, which was over my mouth. My face was probably red by now, I could feel it. When did I start being such a girl??
Then I heard the footsteps. I must've squeezed his hand then because he removed his hand from my mouth let go of my hand. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me and held me even closer to him. Like we weren't close enough already!
I struggled a little, trying to stray from his warmth but he whispered into my ear, "Shhh, stay still."
I felt his lips brush gently past my ear and my breathing seemed to have stopped. My hand moved to my chest. Somehow, the beating in my chest had gotten really loud and extremely too fast for it's own good. But it wasn't just mine because I heard Trenton's, which seemed to be acting the same way. Trenton had suddenly gone quiet and still.
I looked up at his face and saw him staring at me in a way I've never seen anyone ever do to me. He looked like he was having trouble holding himself back and as if he was craving something. Suddenly I understood. He wanted my blood. It turns out that I was the only one who was having a hard time with feelings. He was just hungry for the blood pumping through my veins. Trying not to sound disappointed, I leaned my head over on my left side, baring the right side of my neck for him to feed on and said quietly, "It's ok..."

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