The Story Of John Makeen

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Section One: The High School Years

There once was a young man named John Makeen. He played for the Trinity Shamrocks football team. He was 6 feet 4 inches tall and was 250 pounds. He was an absolute beast. Anyone that got in his way he would just truck down. The first game of his senior season he got scholarships from every single college in the USA. Then he lead his entire team to the state championship and they were against the St. X Tigers. It was a pretty evenly matched game. It went like if one team scored then the other team scored. It was like that just throughout the entire game. There are 5 minutes on the clock in the 4th quarter and St. X scores. The score now is 21 to 28. Then they kick it off and they thought it was going to be a touchback but no. They got them down at the 1 yard line. All the Trinity fans are quiet. Then John goes on the field. They decide to run a running back sweep to the right. They hike the ball and the quarterback hands it of to John. He starts to run. The blockers are in front of him. Then he saw eye to eye with the best hard hitting linebacker in the state. They are both running at each other. All the sudden John completely trucks the linebacker and flattens him. Then everyone is trying to tackle him but he just keeps trucking them down. No one can stop him. Then he scores for a 100 yard run for a touchdown. They had to go for the 2 point conversion. They give it to John. It's right up the middle and John trucks everybody down and gets it. Everyone is congratulating him. Then they kick off. The 3rd best runner in the state gets it. He's going down the field. He just keeps juking everyone out. Then he goes and scores. There are only 5 more seconds on the clock. Trinity is only up by 2. They are going for it to tie it up. They put John in at linebacker. He is blitzing to the quarterback. They hike it. It's a pass. Then out of no where John sacks the quarterback. The entire crowd goes crazy. Then the Shamrocks win the state championship. The team and the fans storm the field. They all are so happy. The day after they are announcing MVP for the high school football for the nation. They announce the nominees and John is one. Then they say the MVP is John. Him and his family are going crazy. They are so happy for him. That night they invite the entire football team to go eat. They went to Buffalo Wild Wings and ate. After all of winning the championship and being the MVP the only thing that John had on his mind was what college am I going to.

Section 2: Freshman Year at Kentucky

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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