The First Day

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    I Tia Moriss walked into the only high school in Mountlake City.In a classic black and white shirt,white pants and my black hat.I walking down the  hall trying to find
Rm 104 when I was admiring my mint converse, when I bumped into a boy who looked like he was in my grade which was grade 10.So I said "oh I'm sorry my bad "

he responded "are you we're the hell your going."

    So I tried to ask him if he can
point me out to were Rm 104 is but he just kept walking down the hall with his two walking trees.While I was getting up from the dirty floor that I guessed the janitors never cleaned a Very pretty girl with a white shirt with lace one top with her long brownie curly hair.She asked me if I was okay

I said "ya but thanks anyway your very kind I said I'm Tia"

she replied "I'm Morgan".I asked her if she can point me to were Rm 104 is she said "I'm going there to just come with me."

"Wait where's locker 239"I Asked.

on your Right side oh thanks so I put my backpack away and we scurried along to our class.

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