By Sophia Morrels
When I see you, the stops, and all that exists in it for me is you. There's nothing else, no noise, no other people, no worries, no today, no tomorrow. Just you. The world just freezes and it's a beautiful place because there's only you in it. When your gone, the world starts again and I don't like it. I can live in it, but I don't like it. I just walk around in it and wait to see you again and wait for the world to stop again. I love it when it stops. It's the best I have ever felt because in that moment I gaze and stare at someone I love the most. You.
But what happens when you are gone? Huh? Gone forever? Taken away from me? The moments keep replaying in my head...
The run, looking down. the jump, the fall, the pain, the spark, the end.
But only the end to a new begining....
His life was hell, he had nowhere to go..nothing to do. His life had lost it's meaning. But at one time in his life he needed to let his feelings back into his heart again. The hope, the joy, the fun, the happiness, the laughter, the sadnedd, the angryness, the pain and the love...and that's exactly what happened when she entered.