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Jessica's POV

Jessica!” mom shouted outside my bedroom door while she was banging the door. “ mom I'm still tired please leave me alone and it's also the first day of school maybe I whould get a bad start ad embarss myself in front of the entire school population pls...!!” while putting the pillow over my head. Today is my most scared day the day my dad died and the day of the first year of high school. October 15, 2020. I woke up and went straight to the bathroom and went to have a nice hot shower. After drying my hair and body I wore my white ruffled blouse paired with black skaters skirt and white wedge. And I packed my bags and ate my Zuros cereal with honey and caramel. And finally rode my Red Porche, you might ask whywe can afford it, my dad was the CEO and founder of the Chershire Technology and Equipment Company. After my dad died his will was shown to me and it said that the company woul be given to me on my 18th birthday, but as of now my mom runs it. And I rode the familiar roads with my driver and was finally parked.outside the school. Mr. Pete my driver said to me “Good luck Jessie ( he and my closests friends only call me that ) may your first day be a very happy one and I wish that nothing bad will happen to you”. “Mr. Pete I know already and thanks for the support you are just like a second father to me if dad were alive he would give you his love and you know you have $5,000 pay raise as of now. Thanks a lot love you”. I went inside the doors of Francisco Academy of the Arts and immediately and Immediatel saw a familiar faces and one guy in particular caught my attention his name was John James Gerargo son of the Executive Financer of our company Geo Sammy Gerargo. He was my friend many years ago specifically my 14th birthday. I went to my first class, Enlish and my teacher is no other than my cousin Cristopher Sandona of my mothers clan. Before the class started I prayed the rosary (the rosary was what my dad gave me on the day was born it was given to him and it is my most treasured gift ) and the class was keep on staring at me and I was not by that, when my cousin Cristoph (what I call him) kept on telling me that the class would start I just stopped on the third mystery. And I listened to what my cousin was teaching us. He was teaching us about the history of Poetry and about the most famous poet Alexander Besot of Melonia. He was like me a troubled person because his family died on the 2nd war of the Scots and Crusaders. I relate to him so much. After that I went to the lunch roomand ate with friends when suddenly I heard an announcement about a Masquerade Ball and they were finding someone who can create it. I so wanted to do it so I auditioned.

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