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Camila thinks she's dying. She hopes that God forgot about the time she cheated on her midterms because she really wants to go to heaven. She's almost awake, but everything feels ten times brighter than it should be and there's no way she's opening her eyes. A second later she feels something sick in the back of her throat and realizes that she's about to hurl all over herself if she doesn't get her ass up.

She sways off the couch, bumping into furniture on the way to Normani's bathroom. The upside to Camila drinking is that for a solid eight hours, she'll turn into the life of the party. The downside is her waking up with a raging migraine and the world's worst morning breath. She decides that Normani won't mind if she practically uses up all of her mouthwash and toothpaste.

When she walks out with with a newly fresh mouth, she makes her way to the kitchen. Normani shouldn't mind if she steals some cereal and orange juice. Breakfast is an emergency too.

"Oh sweet. You finally woke up. Y'know last night was supposed to be a party and not a sleepover."

Camila turns around, a little too fast for her migraine to handle, to find someone already sitting on the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal in their hand.

"How long have I," Camila starts and forgets to finish mid-sentence. "Are you here to eat all of Normani's food too?"

"Not really. Normani said I was in charge of cleaning up since the party was my idea and her family gets back in ten hours. I didn't know babysitting was part of the job." She urges, waiting for Camila to process everything.

"Oh," Camila's almost there. "Oh. Hold on, aren't you on the soccer team with Dinah? You're Lauren."

"Mhm, and you're still hungover."

"No, I'm Camila," she jokes, getting herself to laugh a little. She gives herself a mental pat on the back.

That's the lamest thing Lauren's ever heard, but she chuckles anyways. "That's cute."

Camila finds herself blushing before she can stop herself. Lauren doesn't notice and just hops off the counter to hand Camila a bowl and the box of cereal. Lauren gets close enough for Camila to notice her nose piercing. Lauren has a really nice nose. And eyes. And lips. Lauren has really nice lips. Lauren grins for a second and Camila is tempted to thank God, or whoever is up there, that smiling exists.

Lauren's beautiful.

"So, where is Normani? Actually where the hell is Dinah? I kind of need a ride home."

"They both left like an hour ago for work. Dinah was nice enough to leave the car out front though so you could drive home."

"Dope. Well, thanks for breakfast, but I should get going."

Camila's already bent over and trying to get her her right shoe on when Lauren interrupts her.

"Hey, Camila."


"I know you're kind of in a rush, but your pants are still on the floor. I mean if you want, you can leave them there, I'm not complaining." Lauren says, accompanied by subtle looks directed at Camila's waist.

Camila's embarrassed for the second time this morning, pulling on her jeans almost immediately and finding her phone and the keys in the back pocket. She only stops a second after to think, "How the fuck did I not know I didn't have pants on? "

Just as her hand can wrap around the doorknob, Lauren yells out, "Bye, it was nice meeting you, Camila."

"The pleasure's all mine." Camila calls back, "Of course the pleasure's all mine." She mumbles out the last part.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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