Chapter 1: Introduction to Layla.

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She had brown long hair that were messily kept in piggy tails at the sides of her head, her face was makeup free, her teeth were perfectly straight and as bright as pure, white snow and her beautiful, hazel eyes were covered with circular black framed glasses. She kept herself covered with turtle necks, long sleeved shirts, black leggings and black boots. This is how she felt comfortable but for this, she was called a 'prude' but she was perfect in every single way. She didn't curse, she stood with her back straight, all her curves in the right place and she never said a bad word to anyone. She looked for the positives in ever situation and kept her head held high even though some parts of her life wasnt as pure as she puts across. She tries very hard to succeed and left school with A to B grades in every class.

Hey, my names Layla. I'm 16 years old, 17 in January and this is my life.

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