Everything Has Changed

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2nd story. The first one was an epic. Lol :) I really try hard..



"Alex!" My mom yelled as I entered the house.

"No need to say hello."

"I'm sorry, hi honey. But we really need to talk young lady! Take a seat. " I think I knew what this was about. So, I took a seat.

"Yes mom?"

"What the hell were you thinking?" she started. Yup. I thought. It really was what about I did today to Mr. Anderson. " Do you have any idea how upset I am? Why did you do that?" she continued. I actually didn't know why I did that. Right, you don't actually know what I did yet. So, I'll tell you. I ACTUALLY LOCKED MR. ANDERSON IN THE BATHROOM.  Yup, that's it. 

"I need a good explanation, Alex. " she said a little calmly. Good Explanation? There's no good explanation.

"Why was he gonna tell you to the Principal? What did you do now?"

" He caught me and.. Sophia cheating. But we denied everything so I kept on aswering back, fighting for us. Then he got mad and went out.."

"I'm very upset! Plus, that wasn't a very good explanation! Go to your room righht now!"

I sighed, got my back pack and went straight to my room. I don't really feel bad about locking Mr. Anderson in the bathroom. Everyone was enjoying it so, I was like What the heck.  I really didn't want to get Sophia in trouble because first of all she's my best friend. And besides that, she never gets a grade below B-. Plus it wouldn't be fair cause she studied and I didn't. But I wasn't the only one, who cheated. Patrick and Mac did too. Anyway, I received a text from Sophia saying:

"You in trouble Alex?"  I replied immediately because I wanted to know if she was in trouble.

"Yup. What about you? Hope you're not. I'm sorry Sophia." Obviously, she's also gonna be in trouble. Okay okay!  You still have homeworks Alex! Focus. I grabbed out my books and notebooks and started to work. My cellphone rang, and it was Sophia calling. I answered it right away and shut the door so that no one would disturb.

"Hello? Sophia?"

"Hey Alex."

"You in trouble?"


"I'm really, sorry."

"Nah, it's nothing. As long as Patrick and Mac are in trouble, I'm okay with being in trouble too." 

"You silly girl."

"Ya. So anyway, can me, Patrick ,Mac and our other group mates come over for our project?"

"I don't know Sophia. My parents might-"

"It's ok. Face the consequence girl. YOU cheated. I mean WE."


"We'll be there, Adios Amigo."

"Okay, Tsiao."

"Really? I was speaking in Spanish and you answer in French?"

"I want French. " I chuckled.

"Kay, bye. Be there in a sec."


Should I ask permission? Nah. It's a school project anyway.

Chapter 2:

My brother's entered my room all of a sudden. They just stared at me, no words.

" Ugh. What do you jackasses want now? I'm in the middle of something here!''   Jackasses. Yep. That's what I call them. But mom doesn't want me calling them that. She said she didn't care if it was in the dictionary. So Adam gave me a look, while Andrew spoke. "Nothing. We just want to annoy you. "
"Annoy me some other time, will you? Today's not a good time!"
" How about a no?"
"Ugh. Moooom!"
"Ooh. We're scared."

Mom entered the room and asked "What's going on now?"

I put my hand on my face. "They're annoying me! They won't let me do my homework!''  Mom looks at my brothers-there, I did not call them jackasses- and said "Boys leave her alone first. She's busy."

"She called us the J.A word again mom." Andrew exclaimed, who's obviously making me in big trouble. Adam hit Andrew's head and said, "Get over it. She's already in trouble Drew. C'mon."  They immediately stepped out of my room and mom gave me a look.

"What? Go ahead, tell on me. But before you do, Sophia and my other groupmates are coming over. Kay?''
"Ok. But Alex?"
"Nothing. Nevermind. Just continue your homework." she left and shut the door. Think I've done enough for the day, huh? I could really tell the look on mom's face. She wasn't angry, she was upset. Okay, so I was about to start with my homework when suddenly I received a text from Sophia saying "Dude we're here." Really? Just really? I got up and ran down the stairs immediately.

I opened the door, there it was. Sophia, Patrick, Mac, Isabelle, Jade and Matthew. They went inside without a word, but then, someone said something.

"Well? May we come inside?" Mac exclaimed.

" You're already in, dumby." was my reply. Just before he could talk, Patrick butted in between us and said "Okay, okay! Let's start!" as the others chuckled. When we were about to go to my room, my friends and I bumped with my mom. Oh no. Please say something guys. "Good Afternoon Mrs. Weisz." Matthew and Sophia said. "Good Afternoon." said Patrick and the rest. Good Grief. Mom gave me a look. Then she looked at my friends and greeted them back. "Good Afternoon, too." and walked away.

"She's still mad at you isn't she?"

"She's not mad. She's upset."

"What's the difference?" Mac said.

"Could you sh-" before I could continue, Patrick, once again butted in " Okay! Okay!" And they chuckled. Ok, so I like Mac. Oops. That wasn't suppose to happen. Well, now you know. I like him a lot even though he treats me like a jerk.

Chapter 3

As we enter my room, they all grabbed their place to be comfortable and sat.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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