My Best Friend's Brother

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   "Erica!" I yell and try to  catch up to her She waves goodbye to some girls and walks towards me
  "Hey Addelynn! You ready to leave?" She asks and waves to a couple walking by
  "Yes! Sorry I'm late. Biology  test." I explain and she nods  We get into Erica's car and drive to her house.
  "Mom! Me and Addelyn are going upstairs!" Erica yells and she pulls me up her huge steps
  "Man, you sure have a big house. I'm pretty sure your closest is as big as my whole house!" I laugh and look in astonishment
  "Yeah I guess. My brother's career helps some and my dad pays my mom like 10,000 dollars a week for something called child support or whatever. But anyways." She says and pulls her laptop out  "I'm in the mood for a horror movie." She says and I nod in agreement
   Halfway through the movie we hear someone at the door. We got super freaked out and Erica went to her closet and pulled out a bat and a piñata stick. She handed me the stick and she put her hand on the doorknob. She carefully opens the door and takes a step back. Someone swings open the door and nearly hits me in the head. Erica drops the bat on the floor  and nearly screams. She runs towards the door and jumps on someone.
  "Hey my lil nugget. I missed you!" Someone laughs and hugs Erica I'm still hiding behind the door, hoping she wont mention me.
  "Cameron! OMG I can't believe your here!" I hear Erica yell  "Oh I have a friend that I want you to meet." She says and I feel my heart beat fast I've seen a few family portraits but I've never met him in person and I'm terrified. "Ady! Come out from behind the door." She says and I step closer to them "Cameron, meet Ady. Ady this is my brother Cameron Dallas." She says and Cameron stops hugging Erica and shakes hands with me. "Nice to meet you Ady." He gives me a warm smile and we look at each other for a while He clears his throat and looks at Erica. "I brought something from one of my tour stops." He says and smiles at me before going downstairs to get it Erica and I follow him downstairs to the front door. He opens the door but there is nothing there. Someone puts there hands over Erica's eyes. He's pretty attractive to be honest and I smile. Erica's face lights up with the hugest smile on her face. She turns around and nearly cries.
"Hayes! You came to see me!" She cries and hugs him tightly
  "Well of course! I missed the most beautiful girl ever." He smiles and looks at her  They are so cute like I want someone to look at me the way he looks at Erica.
  "I ordered pizza for us and I know how much Erica's always wanted to see The Boy." Says Cameron and gets a cd from a shelf under the tv  Hayes and Erica go upstairs to get covers and our unfinished popcorn and Cameron starts looking at me.
  "So Ady. How long have you and my sister been friends." He asks me
  "Two years now. This is our first sleepover at her house. I feel like I know you. She talks about you all the time. All good things. All good things." I say and laugh
  "Well she also talks about you when we skype. And she wasn't lying. You are really pretty." He says and I try so hard not to blush He comes closer and looks into my eyes. "Would you like to sit next to me during the movie?" He asks and I nod
  "Well I see you two got to know each other more." Says Erica and I nervously laugh *Ding Dong*
"I'll get it." Offers Hayes and Cameron comes with him
"I knew you would like my brother." I say and wiggle my eyebrows
"Yeah I guess he's pretty cute." She smiles
"Erica, will you get the plates and Ady will you help with cups, Hayes with the soda and I'll  put the movie in." Says Cameron and we all go our separate ways
Hayes and Erica fell asleep throughout the movie. And I was laying on Cameron's lap watching the movie.
"Ady, can I tell you something?" He pauses the movie and I sit up to look at him
"Sure Cam." I say and he continues
"I really like you. I literally met you like three hours ago and I feel like I know you." He finishes
"I feel the same way." I say and he leans in and kisses me Best. Sleepover. Ever. I can see Erica smile and snuggle closer to Hayes. I smile back and do the same with Cameron.
I think it's safe to say, Best. Birthday.  Ever.
  I gently close my eyes and feel the warmth of Cameron's body.
Happy Birthday Haley Phelps!    haleyphelpsxx__
I hope you had an amazing day today and I hope you liked this book. It's not as good as the one you write but I tried.

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