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There's so many great stories on this app, a lot more than I can actually name.

In the comment section of popular, trending books, I constantly see things like-
•"this needs to be turned into a movie"
•"I would pay so much to see this as a film"
•"can this be a tv show? I'd watch it."

I couldn't agree more, which is why I'm just trying to get my idea out-
Watchpad. Sorry if it's already something that's out there, I'm not trying to copy anyone else's ideas.

Watchpad would have movies/tv shows of popular stories that qualify. The story would need to have a good plot line, be able to bring emotions to readers, and have unique and original ideas (aka no super cliche books. Those are great to read, but not the best for a film).

Every genre would have a chance. On the app, there could be different sections- basically like Wattpad, where there are different categories.

Since Wattpad's such a huge company/corporation, I'm sure movie producers would love to work with Watchpad, choosing books to turn into movies and making them come alive on screen.

Watchpad could have a subscription fee (taking a Netflix approach) of maybe $20-50/year to watch unlimited movies.


Viewers could purchase each film from $3-$7 (I live in America so the explainations will all be in dollars, sorry to non-Americans), and be able to watch it online and offline, by having the movie automatically downloaded onto the app as soon as the purchase is made.

The author would obviously need to be on board with the idea of having their story created into a movie, signing a contract and all that good stuff (I actually know nothing about legal/illegal film requirements). They would receive a portion of the profits made.

And of course- the actors. This may not be possible (along with every other idea I've written down in the past ten minutes), but it would be amazing if the actors could be Y'ALL (hey, I'm from Texas. is it obvious yet?)! Auditions could be held from wherever the producer/author decides (probably somewhere around where the author lives), and fellow Wattpad readers could have a chance to be in an actual movie! This obviously could be a problem because 90% of the Wattpad family are females, and the main characters normally consist of a dude. I guess if necessary, the actors could come from people in the actual acting business.


I know everything I've just written probably sounds pretty stupid and unrealistic. There's budget to worry about, legal contracts, and it could be too much of a hassle for Wattpad to even consider. But if this did happen, it would honestly be amazing.

Watchpad would definitely be something I would join if it existed, even if it means having to reload cash in my Paypal account by running (gasp) all the way to my nearest CVS pharmacy (I don't have a bank account. rip.).

If you actually spent time to read through this, thank you! It's just one of the crazy ideas I get. However, if somehow Wattpad approves (maybe they won't call is Watchpad, but whatever), there could be a movie/TV show app just for the many hard working and deserving authors in this community.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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