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Charlie and I just got out from the theater. The air is warm and filled with tension, the chilly wind felt soft against my cheeks. It was almost 8.30, Charlie had convinced me to go and see this movie with him. I told him that I wasn't a big fan of remakes of old classic movies, that the originals are always better and it is impossible for the remakes to top the originals but he had begged me to go and see this for weeks and I don't stand a chance against his puppy dog eyes and he promised we'll get pizza after. I'm always in if there is food.
"So what did you think of the movie?" Charlie asks with a small smirk on his face.
"Should I answer honestly?"
We are walking our way to the pizza place. In a night like this walking feels much more enjoyable and it isn't that far away.
"C'mon it wasn't that bad" He says and rubs the back of his head. I laugh at him. "It really was, the original Ghostbusters are way better, and I would have never agreed to this if we weren't gonna get pizza after" I point out. He tries to hide his smile but fails horribly. "Okay, it was pretty bad, but" now he starts again. "But what? They cast the wrong actresses? They used too much CGI?" I say sarcastically with fake excitement. He looks at me with a an annoyed look on his face "no, but if they would have made it a bit more funnier it would be better" he always have to point out what they did wrong with the film, I mean always. "Wow really? Maybe you should have directed the movie then" I say with sarcasm. "I should have, I've would have done a much better job" he says proudly. I laugh at him and he joins me. We're almost at the pizza place before Charlie stops me.
"What? What is it?" I ask confused. He husshes me and points at the window on the pizza place we were going to.
Eve and Tyler are inside sitting at a table. "Maybe we should go to another place, I know a pizza place just around the corner back there, just a few blocks away from here" Charlie suggests and tries to pull me with him. I shrug him off me "no, I can't be afraid of them forever" Charlie turns and puts his both arms on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. "Listen, I'm not gonna let them ruin this night and we are not going there just because to prove we aren't scared of them" his brown eyes are even more attractive in this lighting "we don't need to prove anything for them, okay?" I simply nod at him, his right, we don't need to prove them anything. "Come let's go" he puts his arm around my back and we leave the scene.
When we finally arrived at the restaurant we both are starving. Charlie holds the door for me. "Ladies first" he says with a fake british accent and bows. "Oh what a gentleman" Charlie looks at his feet trying to hide his blushing cheeks. I step inside and the air inside is filled with scents of pizza. It made me even more hungry.
We sit down at a table next to a window, I like window seats, you can look at the beautiful view of New York and dream yourself away. The restaurant is pretty cool it has different shaped and sized light bulbs as lightning and big green sofas to sit on.
"Where did you find out about this place?" I ask him curiously .
"Uhmm.. I-I saw someone comment about this on.. umm.. i-instagram a few days ago and t-though we could check this place out" He lied and rubbed the back of his head. He had known this place for a long time and wanted to take you here on his first date with you. He had planned the date weeks ago but never had the courage to ask you out, he was afraid to get turned down and besides you was his best friend and he didn't want make anything awkward between you two.
"This is a really cool place, the couches, lights and the view, it's perfect. I love it" you said in awe. He knew you would love this place, that's why he wanted to take you out here on a date.
We talked and laughed for hours while sharing a big pizza. You're glad that Charlie convinced you to go here, it wouldn't have ended pretty if you had gone inside where Eve and Taylor were. Nothing never ends pretty when they are around.
It may not have been a date but Charlie was still pleased, this was one of the best nights of his life.

Well I hope you enjoyed this first part of my story ;3 I'm so curious , was it good?? Was it what you expected?? Did you like it?? English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if it sounds wrong sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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