Drunk History: Phan featuring Louise

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~I did not even mean...to create this... I just...
~I might do this same concept with some other fandoms if anyone enjoys this so
~Please enjoy this abomination

Dan turned on the camera while Phil couldn't help snickering in the background. Louise was seated in comfy lounge chair near a vase of fake flowers, giggling hysterically.

The entire group had had a little to much to drink tonight. But of course Louise took it to a whole other level.

Dan finished angling the tri pod and backed away laughing. "Okay Louise, so tell us the history of Dan and Phil."

"ALRIGHT!" She began in a confident tone. " Its the fall of 2009," suddenly she lost it and burst out laughing.

Phil nearly dropped his glass from laughing so hard.

" Phil meets Dan, and he's like 'yo, I know about Youtube."

"And Dan is like, yo! I know more about youtube."

"THATS IMPOSSIBLE, do you wanna collab?"

"And Dan is like... HELL YEAH SENPAI."

"And then he's like: yo this is a phone  call not a sexy skype session."

Louise took a moment to down another drink then continue.

"And THEN they met at Dan's house. So Dan is wearing a dinosaur suit, eyeliner, and a llama hat. Dan is recording a video for some fucking reason."

"And Phil is there for some reason..."

"And they start making videos together and they're like 'oh lets take some Q and As from random fans."

" Then they add some fricking banana licking, fricking titanic recreation, and fricking CAT WHISKERS."

"Cause Phil was like: yo we gotta change this shit up. Yo we made all these collabs why not just get married?"

Dan suddenly stumbled out of his seat. "NO, NO I THINK YOU GOT THAT PART WRONG."

Louise glanced at him for a second. " Oh yeah, yeah sorry I skipped ahead."

(Insert Dan's face turning tomatoe red)

(Insert Phil looking fucking done with this shit yet amused)

"AND SO Dan and Phil are like wow thats gr8 m8."

"BUT WOAH we need to fucking live together."

"Cause Dan loves Phil but they dont live together."

(Insert Dan trying to turn off camera but Phil holding him back laughing maniacally)

"So Dan is like: yo im such a power bottom."

"Then Phil is like: How are you a power bottom?"

"And Dans like yo watch this," Louise stopped and began singing. " THIS BOII IS A BOOOTTOMMM."

" And Phil is like: oh my god that sounds like fanfic material."

"And they both are like yo this is fucking perfect this is Phan right here."

"And they made videos like Dan and Phil vs. Tumblr, Pinof, AmazingDan..."

"And then they gave birth to a digital son named Dil aka the Phan love baby."

" Then one day they both were like yo we need a bigger squad..."

"So they brought in crabby stix and Kick da Sleepwear and they were like DANGG THIS IS PERFECT."

"And they played some kinky twister."


(Fast forward twenty minutes)

"SO they made all these gaming vids that were fricking DOPPE."

"And Sprinkleofglitter was not involved at all..."

" And Dan was like yo! Fringe is fricking great for guys..."

"Because... they make a guy look beautiful..."

"And most the time guys are not... beautiful..."

"... unless they are Phil."

(Insert Dan angrily shouted from where Phil tied him up in the corner)

" and one day Phil was like yo im so embarrassed about this pic"

"And Dan saw the pic and thought: yeah lets be real here, its not a bad pic.."

" And the entire Phandom waited for Phan to go canon along with the rest of the Youtube community."

" And Dan was like YO fuck you guys im sick as frick i dont need no Phil"

"And that was the entire year of 2012"

Louise stopped and had another drink.

Then proceeded to pour it on herself.

"Okay so anyway Phan is split up and the world is so freaking sad."

" Then Phan is like yo its been a year we live together we cant go on like this."

"So they had cheeky bu-"

(Insert Phil covering here mouth before she says to much)

"And they think back to all those sweet editing tips Phil gave Dan.."

"If ya know what i mean"

"Anyway they go on to do some top notch shit."

"Suddenly they got a book out called Tayiog"

Phil: You mean tabinof?

" Yeah yeah sure be quiet smol bean"

"Then they got the Tariod tour"

Phil: You mean tatinof?

" WHATEVERRR Anyway it was great."

" And ya know, I think thats all you need to know, that IS the history of Dan and Phil."

Phil began clapping off camera.

"Of course except the wedding in 2022"

Dan rushed forward a turned off the camera.


~Oh wow that was worse than I expected it to be
~I wrote this at 2 in the morning I apologize for.. well everything
~I do of course love comments though so I hope someone has a good chuckle reading this
~Love ya!

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