The Barrier Between U S

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'Are you a magician? Because when I look at you, everyone else disappears'

Draco snorts, affection blooming in his chest for the boy next to him. He writes one back, his quill scratching against the scrap of parchment.

'You lips look lonely...would they like to meet mine?'

Harry snickers when he reads the delicate, loopy writing. He lightly elbows Draco to get his attention and winks, nodding his head eagerly. Draco smirks and rolls his eyes.

'Your ass is so nice. It's a shame that you have to sit on it'

Draco's face turns a pleasant, light pink color. Harry muffles his laughter into his hand, his quill scratching the parchment as he continues writing down the notes from the board.

"Are you two quite done, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter?" Snape asks in his low drawl, startling the two boys. They both nod and the black-haired professor waves his wand lazily, causing the pieces of parchment that they'd been passing notes on to zoom across the room and into his hand.

"I'd really appreciate it if you kept your thoughts about my godson to yourself, Potter," Snape comments, reading through their crappy pick-up lines. Luckily, Harry can detect a hint of amusement in his voice, so he doesn't have to worry about a detention (which he would end up only giving to Harry, even though Draco is just as much a part of the notes).

"Sorry, sir." Draco snickers at him and Harry scowls.

"It really is a shame that you're sitting on this stool when you could be sitting on something else," Harry whispers hotly into Draco's ear, teasing the small blond. He bats Harry's face away from him. "I'm trying to pay attention," Draco sniffs, scratching nonsense onto his parchment. It's not like he needs to pay attention anyway, he's the top in the class other than Hermione.

Harry squawks indignantly. "Don't play innocent!"

Draco smiles. "I'm not playing." Harry raises an eyebrow. "You can't fool me. You're talking to the only person who's ever seen you in less-than-innocent situations."

It's Draco's turn to scowl. "Keep talking and that won't be happening again any time soon."

That easily shuts Harry up, and he doesn't say anything else for the rest of class.


"It really sucks that you can't stay for Christmas this year, Dray," Harry murmurs sadly, hugging the blond around his waist. Draco nods into Harry's shoulder.

"My father wants me home. If it were up to me, I'd stay here without a second thought. Last Christmas was the best one I've ever had."

Harry smiles, remembering their first Christmas together as a couple. Harry had snuck Draco into Gryffindor tower and they'd cuddled up in Harry's bed that night, warm and protected against the cold under Harry's fleece blanket. They'd woken up to shouts from the other boys about their gifts and Ron pulling the curtains back.

They'd been greeted with shock from Ron and coos from Hermione. The whole day had been spent drinking hot chocolate, playing in the snow (something Draco wasn't allowed to do as a child) and kissing under mistletoe at every opportunity they could get.

Harry's brought out of his reminiscing by Draco pulling away from him. "At least we've got all of today. I expect a proper send off, Harry."

Harry laughs and kisses Draco's cheek, pulling him down to the Great Hall by his hand. The hall is almost completely empty, most of the students having gone home the day before.

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