The selfish tale of Me, Myself and I...

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16- Adam- I guess I'm just an average person, other people dont think that;either the hate me or love me, havent quite decided yet.

15- Harley- Adam's good friend, they met in his 9th year

16- Lucy- Adam's girlfiend, and friends with Harley, Kyle and everyone else

15- Lee- A hot headed and enthusiastic person. Adam's oldest friend

15-Beckie- Lee's girlfriend, and a not so well know, but good friend of Adam's

15- Kyle- The complete knob, but hilarious at the same time, so we all like him

15- Liam- Friends with pretty much everyone, no enemies

15-Kurtis- He has got to be one of the funniest people I know, its just a shame about what happened...

16- Ben- Much like Kyle, but timid and out-going... when need be.

16- David- Adam's old friend, they have fallen out a few times but no bad blood

15- Edward- Pretty much the most polite person I have ever met...


There are a lot of other people that I have met, and it would take up a mile long piece of paper to mention them all, but they will be in my story... eventually

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