Unknown Land

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I wake up and sit up, rubbing my head. I look around. Where am I? I wonder.

I soon realize I'm in the middle of a field. As my eyes focus, I see a house in the distance. When I look around again, I see that there's not much other than grass, grass, and more grass. So of course, the house is the only place I can really go. 

I walk up to the porch. I'm confused, though, because I don't see any roads leading... anywhere. Like I said earlier, it's just all grass... 

Well, I might as well go inside I guess and see if whoever lives here knows where we are...  I think to myself. So, I open the door, carefully, peeking my head in a little bit to see if there is anyone in the main room. 

No one is there. 

I open the door fully, examining what appears to be the living room. There's a couch, a small coffee table, a chair, and not much else. So I decide to explore the rest of the house. 

As I'm searching, I see a box. I open it to find a gun. 

What the hell?! I think to myself. Why would you just leave your gun in a box in a random place? Don't you want it safe where you can get it in case anyone breaks in? Not to mention the fact that the front door was UNLOCKED! Come on, dude, or woman I don't know, don't you want your house to be safe?"

I quickly tell myself to stop thinking about useless assumptions in bad situations... that's not going to get me anywhere. I chuckle to myself, God, I'm strange. Oh crap, now I look like a crazy person, laughing to myself. Damnit there I go again! Come on, Jenna, snap out of it!

I snap out of my thoughts and deal with the gun I'm holding. It's just a normal handgun. I check the barrel. There are 12 rounds in it. I decide that I should take it just in case.

Just in case of what, Jenna? You know you're not gonna use it for a while. You can't. You know you don't want to use it, ever. I think to myself. 

I know that part of my mind is right...

I keep exploring the rest of the house. It's a two-story, I notice as I pass the stairs. I go into the kitchen and think about whether or not I should take anything and I decide that I might as well grab some things because if whoever lives here decides to... make me leave... I might as well have something to hold me off for a little bit. So, I search for anything, and the fridge and cabinets are empty! I'm confused, but I don't think about it too much. I just grab a few painkillers (strangely the only thing in there..) and head upstairs. 

There are two bedrooms, and one of the doors to one room is cracked open a few inches.  I decide to not do what every stupid person in movies does, which is just open a door without thinking about it, so I instead cup my ear to the door and listen for any sounds. 

After a few seconds, I hear someone slightly snoring. Or, what sounded like snoring, at least...

Oh shit! Someone does live here! Fuck that, I don't want to die from some crazy stereotypical hillbilly! I think to myself. So, I do. 

I walk back downstairs and see another door on the left that I hadn't noticed. I figured that it lead to the garage since I had checked all the other doors. There could be a car or something in there... I think to myself. So I open the door and there's a car and a small motorcycle. I decide to take the motorcycle so I don't feel as bad... 

As I get on I think, I'm glad this isn't like a horror movie where I can't get it to start... It has a full tank and it's ready to go. And so am I. I'm surprised to find that the key is even still in it! That's lucky.  

Before leaving, I decide to look in the kitchen furthermore just in case I missed anything. Sure enough, when I look in the cabinet under the sink, there are a few chocolate bars. What the--? I think. That's the most random place to keep food. Oh well. Food is food I guess. So I take the candy bars and look in the fridge again. I open one of the drawers and find two water bottles, which I take. I find a grocery store bag to put the scraps of food I found in and I'm happy to leave this house... There's a strange feeling in the air that I can't place...

I hear the floorboards creaking from upstairs. It startles me. Fucking hell! I think to myself. Of course! Of course this happens! Just my luck! With the bag in my hand, I sprint to the garage, open the garage door, get on the motorcycle, and turn the keys to start the engine. As I'm doing this I hear a man shout, "Hey! Who's on my damn property?! Whoever you are, leave! Or I'll force you to!" After that, I hear what sounds like the man cocking the shotgun, and that scares the piss out of me.

I slammed my feet down on the pedals and drove away from the house. Far away. I don't look back. I don't want to. But I have no clue where to go, so I just drive and drive until I see something. I felt the wind in my hair as I was driving through the fields, and for a second I forgot that I woke up in the middle of nowhere. I forgot that I had no clue what day it was, or even what year it was. I forgot about the fact that I had no clue where my family and friends are. 

But it was just a second.

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