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I stand torn, between two faces

Both of them girls, from different places

One is shy and I've known for long

The other I met at a party as we were bored of the songs

One's brunette with chocolate eyes

The others is curly blonde with silver stars taken from the night skys

My heart had held one for such a long time

Surly loving another should not be a crime

The one from the past, I have never dated

But the one from the present, has me hooked and baited

One has her flaws, but they make her cool

The other has none and makes me act a fool

Crushing so hard my heart is in pain

I want to see my little blonde again

2 years apart yet I manage to love

The angel sent to me from heaven above

I love one but am falling for another

My god why can't I be like my brother

In love with one and nobdy else

I feel right now that I am going through hell

The choices, the choices, what should I do

Please tell me if it wasn't me but was you

My heart pains for my love of many the years

But also for she who brought me to tears

I told her my life, my stuggle, my pain

She sympathised and hugged me again

We kissed and we cuddled, all through the night

But when she left I could not feel alright

When she left I felt cold and alone

I decided that it would be best to go home

I feel like my crush is more than a simple fling

I hope that one day 'we' can be a thing

Her star-like eyes look deep into mine

I look down at her, I don't care for the time

I want to hold her and feel her against me

Strangely enough I feel light, happy and free

Though my old love I can honestly say

That I want to protect her even to this day

But I'm not the one, she must learn that

I am nothing but trouble, all dressed in black

Now I have a dilemma, I cannot choose whom

My heart doesn't have that much room

I love one and am falling for the other

With one I'm my self, with the other my heart starts to flutter

But this girl you see, is not a bad girl

She's sweet, innocent, yet has experienced the world

She's the kind that would have you down on your knees

Begging her to take you, PLEASE

But instead for me she's the one who begs

I cannot say no to my shaking hands and legs

I've fallen in love with this dilemma of mine

Surely loving her cannot be a crime

I am torn between two girls

One is my life and the other my world

How can I choose oh please tell me how

I don't have much time I need to know now

DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now