Tentacle Behavior

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Thunder roared outside in the night sky, dragging me out of my sleep.I had always been afraid of thunder, even as a child.For comfort, I reached out for Katherine, my wife who slept beside me.

She wasn't there.

I sat up in alarm.It wasn't like Katherine to disappear in the middle of the night.Not even to use the bathroom.She and I both were normally heavy sleepers.On any other night, I wouldn't have been so alarmed to find her gone, but something seemed "off" that night.

I got out of bed and crept slowly out of our bedroom.I checked on our kids down the hall who were sleeping soundly threw the storm.There wasn't a single light on in the house and Katherine was nowhere to be found.I took a look outside threw the living room window of our quaint farmhouse.Rain was falling from the sky at a steady pace, as lightening rippled its warning overhead.As much as I didn't want to go outside, I needed to find Katherine.So I pulled on a coat and boots and grabbed an umbrella.I ran threw the fields, calling her name, thunder drowning out every sound that I made.

I couldn't find her.

I started to panic on my way back to the house.I was going to have to call 911.What if she had died somehow? I can't do without Katherine, I thought , I couldn't raise our kids on my own.My heart couldn't handle a dead wife.Our kids...

I froze in my tracks.

There were lights on in the barn.Lights I distinctly remembered turning off before Katherine and I went to bed.Slowly and as quietly as I could, I crept towards the barn and silently pulled the door open.I was instantly met with the scent of lover's heat.

The smell of love and sex.

Of skin against skin, breathless kisses and wandering hands.

If you could call them hands, that is.

It brought me to my knees but that wasn't the worst part.The worst was the sounds my dear Katherine made.Her moans of pleasure were unlike any sound I had ever heard from her mouth in ten years of marriage.Even in childbirth.It tore at my heart because it was plain to see I had never made her feel even remotely that way.And the only thing I had ever wanted to do was please her.

Maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much if my lovely, "devoted" wife had cheated on me with just a regular guy.But in the back of my mind I knew the pain would be just as crippling.I did my best not to cry, but tears, they never listen.Not even to the beckoning of a heartbroken man.

Stunned, I watched as my wife was violated in place I had hardly even dared to look at, by thick, veiny blue tentacles.They protruded from a middle aged man with bloodshot icy blue eyes, from every opening of his body.Katherine shuddered in wanton pleasure with every thrust.

And then suddenly, almost blissfully, a numb pain arose near my heart. When I looked down, my blood was spilling on to a blue tentacle of my own.

As I took my final gasps of air, I gazed into the depthless blue eyes of the erotically beautiful alien who had stolen the body of my stunning Katherine from me.

But I died staring into the emerald green eyes of my beloved, who had no sadness of the widow in her eyes.

~The End~


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