The Signs as Fairy Tale Aesthetics

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Aries: Stolen treasures, flashing swords, and thunderstorms.

Taurus: Wild woods, hidden curses, and fur gowns.

Gemini: Gingerbread, cottages, wild flowers, and potion vials.

Cancer: Glass slippers, enchanted springs, and gemstones.

Leo: Sleeping dragons, secret keys, and gold crowns.

Virgo: Pressed flowers, wild hair, and fairy wings.

Libra: Ermine trim, magic mirrors, and a throne.

Scorpio: Eternal love, haunted forests, and crushed velvet.

Sagittarius: Red roses, magic lamps, and a castle steeped in fog.

Capricorn: Swan feathers, ice palaces, and a string of pearls.

Aquarius: Leather-bound spell-books, wooden cabins, and mason jars.

Pisces: Mermaid tails, crescent moons, and a raging sea.

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora