Summer Is The Worst (So Is Dimension Traveling)

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Just a reminder from the author that this story deals with "adult themes" and will have strong language. Enjoy!

"Summer is the worst!" I groan, stumbling into my bedroom and throwing my backpack to the ground. "All this shit just to pass..." I begin to peel away clothes from my sweaty form.

T-shirt. Tank top. Sports bra. Sports bra. Sports bra. Wish I had been born with a set of pectorals instead of this crap. Or had a binder, at least. I put on another T-shirt.

Right. Homework. I think I feel like ignoring this stuff about graphing inequalities. That leaves science and history for today. I can't remember what the endoplasmic reticulum does, so I guess I'm ignoring science today too. Give at least three negative outcomes of British imperialism. "Where do I even start? Slavery of indigenous peoples or the environment?" I mumble to myself, grabbing my phone and opening my music app.

Half and hour (and a couple dramatic lip-synchs) later, my homework (the easy part of it) was done. Time to get properly dressed again. 'Properly dressed' meaning eliminating as much dysphoria as possible, while trying not to overheat in the drastic summer weather at the same time. It's harder than it sounds, and I think it sounds pretty hard. I should probably dress as little lighter than I did at school.

Sports bra. Sports bra. T-shirt. Visible chest bulge. Replace T-shirt with a bigger one. Deodorant (for men).

Face shape recognizable. Hips identifiable. Voice too high- much too high- can't fix it- people will know-

Go to your happy place. Remember the trees, the garden. People persevere and in the process shape themselves into who they want to be. Breathe. Let the negative energy travel down from your brain and through your blood vessels and down into your feet. Let it flow into the floor and away from your body. Far, far away. The river of negativity has slipped away and dried up. There is peace in your garden. There is calm. You can sleep now. Everything will be okay one day.

Wow, those relaxation techniques really work. I guess a nap before I head out with the study group can't hurt.

My eyes slide shut.

Not long after, there's a painful twisting in my everywhere and my arms don't feel like they're really there and neither does the rest of me and my insides feel so heavy and just when I feel like I'm going to throw up- it stops.

I open my eyes. I'm greeted by green lighting (cliche, a voice in my head whispers) and the fact that I'm strapped to an uncomfortable metal slab of some sort. Double cliché, my sarcastic conscience adds.

"This, uh," I manage to say, slightly surprised that my voice still works. "This isn't where I went to sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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