Here Goes Nothing

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"Mrs. (Y/N), are you sure you would like to do this. The last psychiatrist that tried to cure this maniac almost went crazy herself."  The director of Arkham says. You two at that very moment we're walking to

" Mr. Director, I assure you I will be fine." You assure him. He sighs. He gestures to the cell door

" Here we are.... Now are you su.." He starts.

"Mr. Director.... Please just open the door." You say getting annoyed. He nods and opens the door.

"Here goes nothing"

As soon as you step in the door slams behind you. You roll your eyes. You look forward and see a metal table with a metal chair and a nice chair on opposite sides. You look around to see its just a plain cement room. With nothing else. Good this isn't a holding cell. . You look to the metal chair and see him. The joker. In all of his craziness.  You look him up and down and see he's fidgeting in his straight jacket.

" You uncomfortable?" You ask him. He looks up at you and smiles evilly.

" Why hello their, you must be my new psychiatrist. Come to try and cure the uncurable? " He says with a evil giggle.

" Well I'm not your psychiatrist, I am Gothams. And the only reason I'm here is because I hope to help you. So...... I'm going to repeat what I said. Are you uncomfortable?" You say with a straight face. His smile decreases and he nods.

" Well then I can fix that next time I come.Now let's get to the point. My name is Dr. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I am Gothams best psychiatrist. I even cured myself." You say opening a book to take notes.

" Whada mean you cured yourself" He says leaning toward you .

" Well Mr.Joker. Let's just say most abused people have a breaking point, it just depends on how they treat it. That's how I know you were abused. That scar on your cheek indicates that you were hit with a blunt object. Most likely the butt of a knife. And that tattoo on your forehead saying 'damaged' says someone you care about or looked up to you, spoke negatively about you." You said writing this down in your note book

" You got all that off how I look?" He says with a small with a small laugh.

" Mr. Joker, don't forget. It takes one psychopathic killer to know another. But we're getting off topic. Did your parents abuse you? "

" What's that gotta do with anything" He says leaning back into his chair

" To help you I need to know what triggers you." You say scratching your chin

" Yes my parents did beat me" He said with a huff.

" Well at lease we have one thing in common." You whisper to yourself

" Your parents beat you?" Joker says. You look up suprised he herd you. You clench your teeth

" No my parents are dead. Murderd. But my foster parent did beat me. And the things they did to me make your scars look like play marks"

" Prove it. " He says with a grin. You clench your fist and close your note book.

" How bout this. Every appointment we have I will show you another scar."

" Deal." He says

" Now I would shake your hand but the idiots running this place think it's wise to put straight jackets on my patients. "

"But I'm the joker, I'm crazy. They put these things on dangerous people. Aren't you afraid of me?" He asks with a cocky smile

" No, I'm not afraid of you." You say no hesitation.

" I kill people in the most grueling ways, I burn their skin. I watch as the lig-" He stars

" Joker, if your trying to scare me it won't work. Cause mister I've seen scary and you don't have his smile." You say. Joker rolls his eyes

" Do you have any liveing family Joker?." You say getting back to your job.

" Not that I know of." He laughs. You write something down in your note book.

" Do you?. " He asks attempting to scoot his chair closer.

" I have a older brother, my birth parents like him better so he inherited all of their wealth. I love him but, he's to invested in his work. He lives in Gotham as well.." You say your eyes never leaving you notes. Theirs just silence for a minute. To break the silence you clear your throat. You look at the time..

" Well I should be getting home. I have a dog to feed." You say standing up and collecting your things. Right before you leave you stop and turn around at the very silent joker.

"Joker" He looks at you

"Hmmmmmmmm?" He questions

" I know I'm not supposed to, but since your probably the worst person in this asylum they probably treat you like shit, so if you want me to bring someone from a store, don't hesitate to ask. " You say sweetly.

"Ok, thanks." He turns his head back around and places his head in the table. You open the cell and walk out. You breath in deaply.

"Wow" You hear from the cell. You smile and make your way home

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