The 48 Hours

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The rhythmic beeping of the surrounding monitors acts like the ticking of a clock during the craziness of patients coming and going, but sadly not everyone gets to walk out, and that's the sad truth, that's why being a surgeon isn't a easy job, Dean and Seth will soon have to find that out as their first 48 hour shift starts today.

*pagers go off simultaneously*

"Son of a bitch!" Dean says, looking down at his pager reading, "911 E.R." Dean and Seth are bolting down to the E.R, only to find multiple G.S.W (gun shot wounds) victims. "Dr. Ambrose he's crashing!" one of the nurses say to Dean. Dean just stands there in shock, he froze. Seth looks at dean with annoyance. He walks over to the dying patient saying "Page my resident Dr. Reigns and charge to 200 now!" with authority. Dean still standing still in the middle of the emergency room, when he finally realized he was just standing there doing nothing, he walked away , he didn't know why he just froze, he knew what to do. It was just happening all to fast he couldn't think. He went to a on-call-room to clear his head.

Deans P.O.V


*alarm clock ringing*

I wake up to my alarm blaring into my ear. I roll over in my bed groaning. I stretched out my arm to touch my girlfriend, realizing that she wasn't there. I sat up rolling my eyes, "again?"

Me and Renee are having problems, our fights they're getting kind of ridiculous. I got home late last night because I had to get some stuff for my first day of work. When I got home , she was mad that I didn't tell her where I was. I mean I was just at Walmart. I didn't feel like fighting so I ignored her, and she slept on the couch. The door busted open jolting me out of my thoughts. it was Renee, "here we go another fight." I thought to myself.

I got out of bed, walked to her wrapping one arm around her waist kissing her forehead, "Good morning baby." I said with a sleepy voice. I walked down the hallway and down the old wood stairs of our house to the kitchen.

Renee and I don't really get to see each other at night because I'm now becoming a surgeon and she was a night news reporter, so mornings was our time to tell each other about our day, we haven't been doing that lately since we've been fighting and all. I hear Renee walk into the kitchen as I'm reaching for the cereal in the pantry. "So you got anything to tell me?"

Renee said sounding like a brat. "No?" I said with a mouth full of Frosted Flakes. Renee stomped over to me, "Where were you last night, that you came home at 1 in the morning?" I glared at her.

I don't like being talked to like that, she knows this so I don't know why she is doing it now, she's not the same Renee I met a year ago, she was laid back, very chill. Now she's bossy, demanding. I don't know if I want to do this any more.

"I told you, but I'm going to tell you again for the 100th time. I was at a little get together for my first day of work, then I needed more socks and undershirts so I went to Walmart. Is that a crime?!" I say walking away up stairs to get changed. Renee was left there, still and shocked that I had raised my voice at her. I walked into my room putting on jeans and a black t-shirt with black boots. I Packed my light blue scrubs into my bag when I heard the door bust open yet again.

I look up and roll my eyes, "What Renee? I'm going to be late so whatever it is can it wait?" Renee shook her head and look down at the floor.

"What do you think I've possibly done? Because frankly I have no idea why the hell you are always mad at me?!" I said throwing my bag over my shoulder.

Renee looked up at me angrily, "For the past couple months you have been distant and I'm starting to believe that you are going to leave me. You flirt with other girls, you do everything wrong. I just cant handle you." Now I'm angry, I've heard insult after insult, now I've had enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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