The Gothic Rose.

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It was cold outside. Rain dropped from the dark, black clouds above to the cold stone floor in this old broken down mansion; the same mansion where I Emily rose, the gothic rose, live on my own.

I have lived here for four long and lonely, but also exiting months now. Watching as the black, beautiful bats fly across the night sky out the hole in my roof where I lay under asleep night after night. Always wishing I were one of them.

My whole dreadful life I have wished I was a vampire. That is why I have always drenched myself in dark black clothing, and never walked out during the sun-lit day, without wearing something that covers up my skin completely from the suns burning rays.

I ran away from home when I turned fourteen. My parents think that I am in jail, for whatever they think I did. Sometimes I would call them privately to make sure they think I am still there. Mostly for what it is my life is like a black hole. Never ending, never happy, always full of misery and despair, without love, friendship or family. That is why I call my life the dark, black, cold and depressing life of Emily Rose. I am forever within a never ending dark pit of death.

Today I went down to a store called “The Gothika” it is the blackest store you will be able to find. I went there dressed in all black, wearing a black dress which had red hearts all over it, long red net for my arms and legs, my black combat boots, along with my skull umbrella to cover me in shade. I went in there and looked around, even though I was there to buy my usual things: black eye shadow, black and red lipstick and black eye liner.

When I was done purchasing my things, I picked up the medium sized black bag and walked outside. When I got down the street from the store I was just at, I saw a bat hanging on a telephone wire on the side of the street. Normally a bat would not be outside during the day; which sort of creped me out, but at the same time enlightened me as well. I went over to it. “Hello” I said looking up at its big, beady, black eyes. It looked at me. As weird as I felt talking to a bat, I also felt exited for it did not fly away from me.

Then all of a sudden it lifted its wings and brought its feet off the wire. Its beating wing flew right towards my shocked self. It landed on my shaking shoulder as I closed my eyes tightly and wished it would not harm me. It put its fangs on my neck so lightly and without hurting me it bit into my neck. Then it hissed ever so lightly and once again lifted its magnificent wings from my shoulder and quickly flew in the opposite direction from where it once was. I stood there on the side of the street where it once hung from above, watching its magnificent wings flap farther away from me. When it was no longer in my sight, I slowly put my hand to my neck where its fangs had once been. “Why did that bat bite me” I asked myself. I looked up to the empty wire and to the sky above. The suns burning rays were upon my skin. I put up my black skull umbrella and turned away from the wire. I started my life changing walk back to my dark and gloomy mansion.

As I approached my mansion estate, the sun had hidden its ugly self from the sky and the beautiful round moon had found its place in the dark sky. I walked up the old, creaky, grey marble staircase in front to the front of the big medieval gothic chestnut doors   that led into my dark black mansion that I called my home. I pushed the big doors slowly and entered my mansion.

As soon as I walked inside I saw it. Another or maybe even the same magnificent creature from before. It was hanging from one of the poles on the side of my red and black staircase that led into the rest of my home. This time without any explanation at all, instead of saying hello I ran past it up the creaky stairs to my black room. I ran and flung myself onto my black, dusty and old bed. I laid there my back to the floor and my face to the ceiling where my hole to the dark, moonlit sky showed clouds of an early morning rain stirring.

I then heard a noise. I turned my eyes away from my dark room to my doorway. There I saw a tall all black figure walking slowly towards my dusty bed. It was so dark around me, even with the moons beam upon my room, which I could barely make out the figure that was still as slow as ever.

“Who is there?” I asked out into the darkness to the figure. No reply was returned to me. “Answer me! Who is there!?” I once again yelled out to the darkness. This time a reply came to me. His voice was a deep glorious strong dreamy European accent.

“There is no need to yell and fright, my black princess. It is only you and I here in this beautiful dark mansion estate of your home”.

I sat up slowly in my bed; I put my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. My eyes still fixed on this black male figure that still has not stopped moving towards my scared body. “What is your name?” I asked him. He was not far from my bed now. I could see the glow of his eyes.

“I am Valador. I have come here to request that you join me at the Gothika Ballroom two nights from today at 9:00pm.” He replied.

Finally, the man who called himself Valador stopped moving. Only inches away from me I asked him, “why? What do you want me?” I was very suspicious of this mysterious man. I watched as he extended his hand toward me I flinched. “Why, Valador, do you want me to go?”

He grabbed my hand that was full of fright and gave it a light kiss on the palm with his black lips. He leaned towards me I turned my head expecting the worst. However, instead he whispered in my ear, “Because I know how to turn you into a vampire, my gothic rose.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2013 ⏰

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