Chapter 1

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So... this is it! Another Vocaloid Fanfic :"> And may I warn you that this will have short chapters and a rather quick flow. :D Enjoy!!

"The stars still danced in the dawning sky

As we walked the enchanted wood

Kind eyes gleam and berries bloom

In a toadstool circle we stood

Our forbidden love is sacred

yet it is so strong

But the sun will soon be watching

The birds will sing their song

Now the night has ended

we shall soon go home 

So he slides into her fingers

A single red rose."


Once upon a time in a deep and mysterious forest, Little Red Riding Hood – also known as Haruka-- bounced her way joyfully along the forest floor on her way home. A merry tune escaped from her lips as she sang and hummed without a single care in the world.

"Who's done with her task? I'm done with my task!" Haruka twirled around, letting her cape dance behind her.

She had just finished the errand that her Mother gave her; to buy spices from town. This was the first time she did it alone so temporarily, she indulged herself in self-appraisal.

Too bad that the innocent sweetheart was too proud that she didn't even notice a dark shadow lurking behind one of the nearby trees. With flawless speed that no human could ever attain, the shadow transferred behind the tree that Haruka was just passing by and it continuously followed her. It seemed like the creature was somewhat interested in the helpless girl. But human or not, nothing is perfect. Unfortunately – or fortunately – the stranger stepped on a dry branch, making a loud noise.

"I am done! Hmm-mmm. I am done! Hmm---" Haruka stopped abruptly, finally attentive to her surroundings. Her eyes darted frantically left and right, not knowing what to expect or what may jump right at her. She held her basket firmly and closer to her, thinking that it might be of some protection.

Haruka waited for a few more minutes but no more other sound was there except for the howling of the wind and the rustle of the leaves.

She sighed. "Must have been my imagination?" She chuckled to herself and then set off bouncing again. Again, she lost her assertiveness to the rather silent creature that was following her.

 A few more minutes and she arrived at a fork. Now, Haruka wasn't exactly the genius of all geniuses. She squeezed her eyes shut and knocked at her head, trying to remember which way she came from.

"Okay... facing there," she faced the direction of the town. "I think I came from... was it right... or left?" Haruka pouted, thinking hard again. Suddenly, she brightened up and grinned.

"I know! I'll just go where it feels right!" And she was actually rather proud of her decision.

She took a step towards the left , the path that feels right, and began to hum her tune again when the bush on her right side rustled with just a slightest movement.

Haruka stretched her neck to see what was behind that bush but at the same time, the tree beside it shook too. It took a great deal of courage for her to take a small step towards the tree. She was scared but then, she was curious too.

She took another step and as she did so, a growl escaped from behind the tree. She immediately took a step back, preparing to run away. Then she realized that she, herself, doesn't have any assurance that the direction she chose will lead her straight to the safety of her home. But then, it might be just a lost dog or something and it's scared so it growled at me, she inwardly thought.

"H-hey... come on out, I won't hurt you..." She soothed the unknown creature hidden behind the tree in front of her.

Mustering up her strength, Haruka took two big steps towards the tree. She was in her third mid-step when she stopped in her tracks. She's finally getting a glimpse of the thing she's approaching.

Huge furry ears.

Long furry tail.

She also caught sight of the stature; it was too big –much too big—for a dog.

Just as Haruka was about to take a small step back, the creature moved and she saw its glinting eyes. And that was it for her brave façade; just like an overheated kettle, she screamed, dropped her basket, then sprinted towards the left path she'd chosen a while ago.

Meanwhile, the creature finally went out of its hiding place – clicking its tongue as it did so – and picked up the basket and all the items that scattered from the fall.

It had huge ears, long tail, sharp canines and glinting eyes. And it was better known as the Wolf.

Unknown to Haruka – and to the rest of the people, for that matter – it spoke.

And yes, the Wolf spoke.

"How pathetic can humans be?"

With an annoyed look in his eyes, the Wolf clicked his tongue again and started to run towards the same path.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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[VOCALOID] The Wolf that fell in love with Little Red Riding Hood (on-hold/edit)Where stories live. Discover now