Acquitted Love

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Hi guys this is a try at another story, not sure how it’ll work out but all comments are appreciated, thanks for reading,



I sat staring at the familiar concrete floor of my cell in disbelief - that is one emotion I have never felt in this hell hole I mean come on.

I let my eyes flick up and land on my smug ass lawyer who was staring at me waiting for my reaction to the news he’d brought me, news I never thought I’d hear.

He was filling, well kind of over filling the one chair in here; a cheap metal alloy it was always cold which is why I neglected to use it favouring my sad excuse of a bed that has been my one companion for the last seven months – the bed that I’m now perched on in fear of having heard my large fellow Texan wrong.

He kind of looked like a banker to me but then most of the wealthy folk from my way do, a sharp grey suit fitted as well as it possibly could be in his circumstance, crisp white shirt and the glimmer of a silver bolo tie trying and failing to make a grand appearance due to being hidden by one of the man’s several chins and to top it off the classic white Stetson.

“Boy are you gonna say somethin’ perhaps a thank you”? He said agitated. I tried to say something I honestly did. I moved my fist that was supporting my chin and reached that hand back to scratch at my constantly untidy and now shaggy chestnut hair.

“Are you sure”? Are the words that I managed to choke out worried all over again that this was some bad joke. He looked at me frustrated – obviously the man was under the impression I was going to start jumping around with him singing show tunes while throwing him the odd worshipful bow.

“Of course I’m sure I’m not one for laughs Mr Thorn” he said verging on stern.

“So I’m actually out of here”? I asked, unconsciously tightening my hold on my hair almost to the point where it hurt in my anticipation for his answer.  

He rolled his eyes at me and stood from the chair slightly red in the face. “Yes boy you are I told you didn’t I? The board looked over your appeal and agreed that on grounds of insufficient evidence linking you to the crime you are free to go”.

I jumped up from my bed startling the poor bastard in my amazement and sheer joy.

“Haha I can’t believe it thank God”! If I wasn’t on guard still being in jail and all I might have even cried but I reined it in I won’t let myself go not completely not until I really am out of here for good. “And thank you Mr Henry” I added sincerely gaining me a rare smile from the man I’ve spent most of my time with since I got locked up in December, it’s now late July and the memories of the summer breeze has been lingering on my mind uncomfortably since the start of April and my thoughts were consumed with the apple orchards and cherry blossoms I’d hung around as a kid this time of year.

“Don’t thank me thank that young Miss Abigail – you ain’t got a buck to your name and I do not come free”. Abi did this for me? I sighed and rubbed at my face thrown into more thoughts and memories that had ebbed at my mind even more so than all the others, Abi. My best friend since we were just little kids without a care in the world, good friends, close and then just before I got sent down we were starting out to be more... but I won’t think about that now it’s too painful I mean seven months inside my prospects aren’t great and she’s beautiful and smart there is no way a guy hasn’t put the moves on her, idiots. I know for a fact at least two had their dirty pryin’ eyes on her when she was my girl – I started to get a little hot around the collar thinking about it so I dropped it like that; in this place it becomes second nature to let things go you pick your fights well or you die so a lot of the time you let shit slide besides, Abigail isn’t my girl anymore.  I pushed those thoughts away for a time I could actually stand to drown in them and got back to the matter at hand.

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