War. It is part of me. Part of my DNA. It runs through my veins like a second blood. But this story is not about me, none of it is. In the history books and across the globe, the official name of it is, The Second American Revolution of 2015-2021. In the R.U.S., it's also known as the Second Civil War, or CWII amongst my generation. To those who fought it, Government and Resistance alike, they simply call it "The War". My parents included.
They crept through the rubble of destroyed cities like rats. They fought on blood soaked battlefields, and the tight corners of once humble neighborhoods like savages. They took on overwhelming enemy forces against impossible odds. They made the ultimate sacrifice of putting their lives on the line for freedom and a new government to be born from the ashes and carnage of the past, and to help make my home, our home, what it is today along with countless of others. They lost many friends and family along the way. These are their accounts of their war experiences during their service in The Resistance Liberation Forces along side with the Army of the Republic of the United States against the Federalist Coalition of America during that terrible six year long conflict. I'll be asking the questions, trying to maintain little to no existance what so ever. They'll do the answering, to the best of their abilities despite the precussions that would follow, for they are very brave for opening up and exposing the truth to me. Their own son, who has been locked away from their true identities for the past 20 years, and to you as well, will get a glimpse as to what they went through during the harsh realities of war.
Their memories are real. Their stories are real.
This was their war.
My Parents' War
ActionIt's been 20 years since the war ended. My parents just broke the news to me that they served in the resistance during the war in 2015-2021, my parents....of all people! Who could believe that!? Only one way to find out if this is true.