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Cecilia dropped her keys off in their dish by her front door and switched on the lights. The dim yellow glow did hardly anything to light her tiny apartment. She walked over to her fridge and pulled out a frozen meal and popped in to the microwave. She took off her satchel with held her laptop and wallet. Lost in thought about her current project at work, the beeping noise jolted her back into reality.

Cecilia sat down on her beaten up love seat and pulled the throw blanket onto her lap and switched on the cable TV. An I Love Lucy  marathon was on and she adored the sarcastic personality of the woman. As she settled down to watch some TV she munched on her chicken fried steak and gravy. It was cold in the middle so she put it on the end table and laid down completely and curled up on her side. She dozed on and off listening to Lucy and Ricardo fighting, as usual...

There was something beeping and being very annoying. It was interrupting my good dream of eating a ton of chocolate cake and never gaining a pound. With a sigh I realized it was my alarm clock. I cracked open a eyelid just enough to look over, 7 AM. Groaning I turned over and pulled the covers over my head. To dang early for me, especially for a Saturday. I drifted back to sleep for a few minutes then gave in and turned the alarm off and sat up. Stretching, I saw the food from dinner sitting on the end table. I depostited the contents of my meal in the trash then put the fork In the sink, telling myself I WOULD do the dishes today, knowing full well I wouldn't.


I enjoyed writing this. Testing out writing. Please give me some feedback and vote.

XO Kita

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