1. Olivia

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"Give it to me, I'm worth it. Baby I'm worth it. Uh huh I'm worth it, Gimme gimme I'm worth it."

Fifth Harmony's song "Worth It" blares through my best friend's stereo as she pulls up to the curb in front of my house. It was the first day of our senior year at Jackson High School, and Ava insisted that we rode together to ensure we got to school early enough to get lockers by each other. Ava swings her straightened pony to the music while dramatically snapping. "Give it to me, I'm worth it. Baby I'm worth it. Uh huh I'm worth it, Gimme gimme I'm worth it," she sings and turns her blinker on and drives away from my home.

The ride consist of her singing, swinging, and snapping to Fifth Harmony's "Reflection" album, Ava is actually obsessed. I take this moment look at our cute outfits. Ava wears a cute pale blue circle skirt and pink long-sleeved tee, with cute sneakers that match her skirt and a flower crown. Ava's style is defiantly girly were as mine isn't. I wear a grey base-ball tee dress with plain old black converse, and accessorize with a tattoo choker.

 I wear a grey base-ball tee dress with plain old black converse, and accessorize with a tattoo choker

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We arrive early, thanks to Ava, and get to check out our lockers first. At our school there are a set of four lockers, two on top and two on bottom, right next to the lunchroom. These lockers always, and I mean always get checked out first due to them being right in the middle of all the class wings/halls. Lucky for us, we go to pink the two top lockers, meaning we don't have to run across different halls for our books AND we don't have to bend over constantly. We were truly winners.

Ava and I begin to load up our lockers, while comparing schedules. "Damn, why the hell did they put me in physics? I barely passed chemistry." Ava groans, "Well, if it makes you feel better, I am in that class too, plus I actually like science" "Olivia, you can tutor me, oh my gosh! we have Art 2 together too, Yay for waiting til our last year for Art credits!" Ava jumps up and down with excitement.

We finish putting our stuff in our lockers, as students fill the halls. Ye ole Sophia Taylor and her best friend, Emma, walks by groaning about how unfair it was we had The Lockers and how she reserved them. Ava rolls her eyes and grabs my arm, guiding us to our first class, Art. The first bells rings and students begin to flood the room. "Oh my god, look Liv, its Luke and he really beefed up!" Ava whisper-shouted. "Shh, Ava he might hear you, stop." He sits in the row in front of us, and shoots Ava a breath-taking smile, he so heard her. I giggle at Ava's reaction, "I told you" I whisper to her.

The teacher goes through the usual syllabus, but in a matter of 10 minutes. She obviously didn't care. She walks back into her office after announcing us to just sketch for the rest of the 40 minutes. "I'm just going to forge my mom's signature now so I don't forget to have her sign it later" I tell Ava "That's such a good idea Liv!" She responds in astonishment. I hold the drawing pencil and notice it's labeled "6B", huh wonder what that means. I doodle a really poor flower and Ava takes about 20 selfies.

"Shit" Luke semi-shouts before running out the class. "What's up with him?" Ava speaks, "Oh he forgot about the two newbie's he is supposed to show around" Emma tells us. "Oh by the way, so not cool about the lockers" She sasses at us "You really pissed Sophia off, she has been looking forward to those since we were in the womb," "Oh shut it Emma" Ava sneers "Piss off" I add. The poor quiet girl next to her gets caught laughing, and now has to deal with a dumb Emma.

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