Blue eyes

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Antonio at the top.


Piper's POV

I could not believe my eyes. All I was thinking at this very moment is how utterly and undeniably, heart broken I was. My everything, well what I thought was my everything was kissing the pig that she has always been. My loving boyfriend of 4 years is kissing the girl that has been trying to pull us apart for at least 2 out of those 4.

I was crushed, sad was a complete and utter understatement for how I feel in this moment. He was my rock, he knew about my deep depression through half of high-school. He fixed me after my last boyfriend cheated on me and then dumped me over text message. I trusted him with my innocence but he is here in front of my face cheating on me.

So I do what any girl do with a drink in her hand and tears in her eyes. I poured it all over their heads.

Then I walked away....

I was lost in my thoughts, I had no ride home and I can faintly here my Ex screaming for him to explain myself. Though all I can hear is his promise he made me in 8th grade.

"I will never hurt you, I will never betray you, and I will never do what your Exes did to you"

That was absolute bull, he broke that promise and by the text I just got from that pig, he broke that 2 years back.

Two years he has been cheating on me

I was numb at this point completely dumb founded by what I just found out, so numb that I didn't notice the piercing blue eyes staring at me. I did not feel his hand on my upper arm and the slight tingle sensation that shot though my arms from where his rough, yet soft gentle hands lay. All I can see is his eyes and all I can hear is the faint beep in the background.

oddly it is getting louder and lou-

I jolt awake to the sound of my alarm blaring at me. It was a cold morning in the house and I Piper Stevenson is starting her first day as a senior at North side high-school. Then I realize that not even a week ago my long time boyfriend cheated on me and dumped me.

Today was the day that I prove to him that he is missing out.

That he has been missing out. I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, really study myself and all my greasy glory. I look awful. My grass green eyes never looked so dull in my life. Other then that time in my life. My long jet black hair looked shiny, but not in good way. As I slowly strip I looked at my body that I have slowly grown to love. My long thin torso gave me the illusion of curves. My legs made my 5'6 height a long stretch making me look taller.

As I got into the shower I wince at my bruised side with open cuts and wounds that never healed properly. My step-dad did not go easy last night. I never told anyone and no one really thought twice about me always having an excuse when it came to changing in front of people or doing something hardcore physically. That's because at home my life is not easy.

My dad died a few years back, my mom soon remarried but only because the guy had money and we needed some desperately, but when my mom suddenly killed herself. I was stuck with him because my grandparents are dead in both side and nobody wanted me.

About a year ago I disobeyed him ad he hit me, just a simple slap here and there, soon they became punches, and then kicks. I never told henry, my ex because he would've called the police and I just can handle his wrath or henry's judgmental eyes. Now I am here getting ready for the worst day ever. though little did I know it will be the best day of my life.


I walk into the school with full intentions of going un-notice until I feel that tingle against my arm. That same feeling I got in my stomach after that dreadful scene at the movies returned. when I looked up I saw the same eyes that has been in my drams since I seen them.

The piercing blue eyes....

I look and studied this gorgeous man in-front of me stand beside non other then henry himself who is trying to tell me something but I can not respond because the eyes I am looking into is slowly taking my breath away.

I Study how his jaws clenched ever so often, how he would raise his eyebrows at henry for what he said.

then he spoke, with a thick Italian accent.

"mio amore, has the fucker hurt you?" He says with an angry glare towards the boy I have grown to love and now hate.

I simply nod at him because the only thing going through my mind at the moment is....

I'm screwed


I go through school head low today. Not really feeling the whole high-school scene. Kayla, my long time Bestfriend kept me in her sight all day so far. knowing about me and all I have been through.

People think I have it all you know, The perfect life.

The rich "daddy", who loves me and gives me anything.

The Perfect relationship, with the quarterback of the football team who has eyes for me and me only.

Pitcher of the softball team that is number one in the state so far. also shortstop if I wasn't on the mound.

Great grades that just are given to me. Never had to lift a finger bc I have people who do it for me.

Though in actual reality....

My rich "daddy" who loves me dearly, beats me nearly everyday simply because he feels like it. an I have to work for everything I want or need.

My perfect relationship was never perfect because he only dated me bc of my status and his, he never really loved me for me.

Everything was good on the softball team except the girl that has been slowly stealing my boyfriend is trying to take my position.

I have to work twice as hard because of my dyslexia that nobody knows about. Also between that I have to work TWO jobs to keep everything I have.

So imagine my expression when I ran into a brick wall making me fall hard on my ass.

Though now that I think about it, walls don't give you butterflies

"Shit Piper, are you okay? Fuck Henry is gonna kill me!" Antonio the new student and running back for our school says. All while slowly inspecting me for wounds after he saw me wince when I touched my waist. He slowly lifts my shirt before I can tell him to stop.

He saw them, they new bruises above and around my belly button, from this morning. I didn't make my step father, Richards, Breakfast fast enough so he beat me down.

He yanked me into to storage closet, turning the light on nd making me, basically forcing me to stare into those deep, piercing blue eyes that make me weak at the knees for some reason.

I croaked out the only answer that I can com up with.

"I-I-I fell d-d-down the stairs th-this morning." I say with tears welling in my eyes because I knew he can tell I am lying. For some reason this boy I have only knew for only a few hours can read me like a book and I can read him.

This is cliché as fuck. This has to be a dream. Some Edward and Bella shit.

He touches my cheek and whispers to me. "la mia bella amore, tell me the truth."

And right before I say something the door swings open, Revealing a rather pissed off Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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