Okay so I was tagged by Reading4DogsFreedom
13 facts. Here we go
1. My name is Maddi
2. I have a dog called coop.
3. He is a boxer.
4. My brother is playing a car game
5. I HATE car games
6. I am having chicken soup for dinner
7. My brothers footy is cancelled cos the oval Is UNDER-WATER
8. I am planning a PARTAY
9. I hate fake pockets
10. My dog is my inspiration to live
11. Number ten is most likely an exaggeration
12. I have to list one more fact before I am done
13. I am bored!Now it is time to tag!! 😈
I tag
1. Reading4DogsFreedom
2 Agent_fat_cat
3 Andreapebbles
4 Agent_shat_cat
5 useyourimagination05