"Operation Slay Them Drag Queen Weaves With A Pickle"

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"In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, all pens down and slide the exam paper to the edge of your tables", my English teacher Mr. Barnes sternly projected. "When I have collected your paper may quietly exist the classroom" he continued with a flat monotonous tone.

I did what I was told, I slid the paper to edge of my table and waited until he approached me. Today was our final exam and also indicating the last day of the academic year. Summer has finally arrived, after months of long nights studying, preparing projects, rushing home works and early mornings filled with coffee to remove the stress of the night I can finally say saranara.

But only for two months.

Ms. Danvers, Ms. Danvers!, someone shouted. I snapped my head to the sound of the voice. I was met with an angry English teacher, his forehead veins twerking and his flopped ears red from the heat of the moment. Y-yes sir I replied stuttering because Mr. Barnes is a hard-ass.

"The exam is over I don't find any reason for you to be lounging around my classroom", He whipped out his handkerchief and yelled NOW GET OUT!

I readjusted my glasses and ran out of the classroom and down the hall.

Since today is the last day it is also half day, so I get go home at 12:00 and it's 11:58. Usually once it's the last day of school the bell would ring at 12:00 and the halls would be flooded with seniors signing their year books and the senior jocks would pull pranks. And today I know that I'll be stuck in the mayhem.

Jason and Mason, they're jock twins but also best friends, it was said that while they were in their mother's womb that

absurd, crazy right?

"Lia, Lia wait up, someone called from across the hallway and due to the horrendous voices of giggly dumb ass cheerleaders I couldn't find the source of that voice.

I kept waking, trying to find a more quieter place and hoped that the person who called me followed me.

"Le--- ah", someone panted. Turning rapidly towards the source, I found my best friend Kierre posing in a tripod position and looking more constipated than ever.

"Are bloody deaf Lee?", And yup she does have an english accent. "I called, fucking yelled but you bloody ignored me mate". And there's the Australian one.

"Sorry, I just wanted to escape the chaos and I couldn't her myself think back there", I truthfully said to her because nothing and I mean nothing is as crazier than an angry Kierre. She goes all black and white panda and there's no telling which language she may drop on you.

Just last week, Colton Wayne the popular jock in our year, "accidentally" dropped his coffee in her bag.

Question 1: How can you accidentally drop coffee in someone's bag if it's closed.

Question 2: How stupid does he think we are.

I mean I'm probably flunking Math, that quadratic shit makes is fucking absurd but seriously anyone with a functioning brain and who knows who Donald Trump is could've figured that out.

She tried flipping her shiny, fresh pixie cut but failed miserably so she yelled. "Save it Red-Head, I fucking ran through through Thot-ville for you and all I get is bloody "Sorry".

Not wanting to draw anymore attention I pulled her arm to the empty bench near the water fountain

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Not wanting to draw anymore attention I pulled her arm to the empty bench near the water fountain. "Ree, I am triple sorry but I'm way too tired to be having this fight today".

"I stayed up all night practising my essays for today and I'm extremely paranoid that any moment now someone is going to dump trash all ov- -"

I stopped mid sentence, I felt something wet and slimy making its way down my shirt

Ugh that was my favorite shirt. Damn it.

My world suddenly turned black, I had lost my vision but something smelt so putrid. I heard the haunting laughter of tons of students. I couldn't see what was going on but I heard dobbg beside me.

Smells a lot like mayonnaise.

Trying my to open my eyes the wiped something off my face. I blinked the rest away, opening my eyes, before me a crowd a students laughing their heads off and flashing their phones.

Kierre. The first taught that popped into my head. My eyes searched for her, finally I saw her running towards the bathroom.

Finding the source of this issue, can I turned facing Colton. Biting my lip afraid of exploding, I bit it down a little longer but I was fuming. I couldn't find the strength to calm down. So I just released.

"You fucking twat ass idiot, what is wrong with you. Isn't it a bit low that a virgin ass cunt Trump look alike like you repeatedly picks on a girl. Go pick on someone one your own size because I won't stand here and let you treat my best friend like she's Hilary Clinton. She's not your crooked Hilary so go find a rock to rub your soggy ass balls".

"Ooooooooohh" the crowd yelled.

I can't believe I actually did that, but I'll do anything for Kierre.

I ran towards the bathroom, I faintly heard sobbing through the 2nd bathroom slot. Pushing the door open I heard Kierre said lowly " You didn't have to do that for me", she sniffled.

Picking the chunks of mayonnaise from her hair I said to her "Oh Ree you know I'll cross the Pacific and find out Trump's tan shade for you". I said trying to lightening up the mood. Kierre being the person that she is, laughed, she laughed her tears away.

"Wow,who would have come taught that "The Poor Nerd" had guts",said Thot-ville mayor, Farrow Cain. "She rarely riles up like that when I torment her", she continued taking to her clique.

Hanging out with Ree has really messed me up.

We starred right through her, people like Farrow craves attention and it's better if you don't give them any.

She clearly got the point, she existed the bathroom with her doll like minions trailing behind her.

"Come next semester operation slay them drag queens with only a pickle is a go" Kierre devilishly smiled into the standard sized bathroom mirror.


🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Yessss. Weave Snatching.
Anyways that was the first chapter, how did I do. This chapter was fun to right.
Picture at the top is bae 😍😍😍😍.
What did y'all think of Colton, is he really annoying or is that he .....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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