Chapter One.

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Being a teenager in 2016 is not easy. Everyone says it isn't that hard or that thing's could be worse. Although true it is honestly made into much of a smaller thing then it really is. Teachers are terrible with due dates and assignments, social media literally causes suicide, and all on top of it usually by Junior year everyone in your life decides too ask you about your plans for the future. Are you serious? Once life is done messing me up with puberty it decides to throw another fast ball and put even more pressure on myself with the old question from pre school, "what do you wanna be when you grow up?" Its funny because I would always say an artist or an actress, which is ironic since I can only draw stick figures and I have terrible stage fright. Five year old me would've been screwed. And so is sixteen year old me. My name is Gigi Flanagan and this is a story about my lovely life.

It all started on May 17th 2000 when my mom had me and my twin sister. I was born first and little Abby came out with the umbilical cord around her neck and the doctors could not save her. You're probably thinking that's sad but my father is so fucked he saw it as a sign from the lord that we could now save money on things. Mom was heartbroken though and has been mute for the past sixteen years. She knew sign language from being a teacher for hearing impaired kids and so everyone had too learn it to communicate with my mother. Ever since I was born I have been considered bad luck and a waste of time. My mother was a mess the day she had me and my dad was busy at work that when it came to naming me they allowed my grandmother too. She decided on Gigi since she happened too be watching Soap operas in the waiting room and that was her favorite character. Overall my life has been a headache ever since I was born and it never got any easier.

I have always been 'that' kid in school. I sat at lunch with three people that also shared my weird outcast qualities and I became super accustomed too it. I don't smoke weed, I'm not a slut, and I ultimately do what I am supposed too. At this point you've probably came to the thought of how did she end up in the loony bin? Well that happens too be because whenever life is going okay for me (and I mean that in the lowest form of okay there is) something pops up to sabotage it all.

For me this was the human version of a tornado, Mason Rivers. He was a complete nerd but everyone adored his cuteness and that he would let you cheat off of everything. He always shared animal crackers with me in fifth grade and would tell me I looked pretty everyday until Sophomore year. At that point I had started dressing a little different and I dyed my hair blue whenever he saw me he would freeze then eventually he just started hanging out with 'normal' people so I accepted it. Mason becomes a lot more important later on in my 'journey to crazy town'

And before I go on this is not a god damn love story, if something could be so opposite of it this is it. We live in a small town called 'Riverton' that has one grocery store and a population of about 7,000. It is called that because there is a river that floods all the streets about once a year and it sucks since we get stuck underground for about a full day. There is not much to do here if you have no friends and hate you family. So I just listen too music and pray for a different life.

When I get home I do all my chores and then I have too help my mom cook dinner which sucks since she just gives me death glares the entire time. When we all sit down for dinner, me, mom, dad, gran, and my older sister Lucy that still lives with us for no reason my father forces us too say grace. He is big on this one and I just roll my eyes until it is over. "Dad can I be excused?" I say just so excited for his response(sarcasm) "No you may not your mother cooked this dinner and you will eat all of it. I don't care if you think you are fat and don't want too eat. Get the hell over it you're a whale now eat and shut up." he says following a slam on the table full of rage. I want to defend myself and say that I helped cook and that I just ate a lot at school but I keep my head down and just eat slowly. After dinner I clean up and ask permission if I can go to my room. He says yes blankly and I run off and lock my door as fast as I could. Time to go to bed finally.

I am woken up from dreams of Paris too hear my mother screaming at the top of her lungs. Keep in mind that she hasn't made one noise in years. As I rush into the living room I see what she is screaming at and I feel the acid reflex coming up. On the old chair he always watches the game in my father 46 years old is laying spread out with a knife stabbed through his head. Then too my surprise my mother says something too me after sixteen years of silence and it confused me for a long time. "It has started and you being born is why it will happen" The next few hours were blurry and full of police lights. At that point I would have done anything too have been the one with a knife through my heart if I knew what was too occur next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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