Crows and Thiefs

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Name: Raven
Friends: Crow
Back story: unknown
I walked down one of the many roads of London waiting. To pass the time I stole one or two wallets. I leaned against a brick wall. I then saw a lady wearing pure gold earrings, walking by. I walk past the lady and pretended to run into her all while taking her wallet. earrings, and the cell phone. I pulled of the phone cover to make it look as if the phone is not hers then I simply went to the settings and registered the email address under my boss deleted all of her photos, apps and wall papers. Then I hacked into the security cameras so I could look at the many angles of Big Ben. A man in ruffled black hair walked over and stood next to me, Crow.
Name: Crow
Friends: his gang and Raven
Back story: his mother was murdered and his father is a drunk
"I see you are getting better at hacking every day." He said looking at my 'new' phone.
"Watch this." I said. I tapped the phone a few times, "Ta da!" I said showing him the screen.
"Is this a document from the United States Pentagon?"
"Well I think it would be if the document was titled Top Secret" I replied
I saw a black man walking by, earphones hanging from his back pocket. I swiftly grabbed them and plugged them into my phone. I downloaded Spotify onto the phone and listened to my song by imagine dragons called Who We Are. It is a good song.

I started walking towards the area where Queen Elizabeth lives. I pulled off a manhole covering and jumped down. I turned to a will to my left where there is a red brick instead of a grey one. I picked a small rock, about the size of my fist and slammed the rock into the red brick. The brick was pulled out from the other side, "Name?" Came a dull voice from inside. "Raven." The brick was placed back where it belonged, and behind the manhole ladder a door, painted to look like bricks opened. I slipped in through the door, and went in. I was welcomed to the bunker by the King of the Thiefs, Jake.
Name: Jake
Friends: not really known
Back story: unknown
Jake gave me a big hug. "Crow told me you hacked the United States again."
"Yes I did but this time it was not the oval office that I hacked, this time I hacked the Pentagon."
I gave Jake a high five.
"Good job girl, did you download the document onto your phone?"
"How much will we get for it do you think?"
"I do not know but I know a lot of cash."
I then went to my room in the bunker. I sat down on my small cot, and pulled out the phones, wallets and items I stole today. "Three phones, a set of headphones, jewellery, and six wallets." I pulled the money out of the wallets, £74,461. I rummaged through the wallets and found a photograph, of a family. They all looked happy. I placed the photo back into the wallet, and threw the phones into a large box of other phones, the money in my pocket, and the jewellery in to a small box. I never kept the wallets, they would be taken to the front doors of Big Ben. To be found with nothing inside but a driver's licence. Most of the time I would be one the news as the Phantom, known for stealing wallets and leaving them at the clock tower, only to be filmed on camera once. Then I learned how to hack the cameras to move their area they are watching and to see what they see. In America I'm famous for hacking their government.
I grabbed a phone from my box and turned it on. I tapped on Spotify and scrolled through all of my songs. I plugged in my new ear buds, and played Hall of fame. I don't know who wrote it though.

I played the song over and over mouthing the words until I fell asleep

I hope you all loved my book so far, Crows and Thiefs. There is more to come.
-Hell Raiser

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