Ch-1 "We have a tour of the Titans headquarters"

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 Me and Nico were not very happy about visiting the Titan headquarters, it reminded me of a very over-sized mausoleum and the mist which surrounded it was very strong. The main pavilion was open to the night, ringed in black Greek columns and statues of all the twelve Titans. It would have been completed dark but a faint light  was glowing from the armour of a muscular man  struggling under the weight of the sky, Koios was holding up the sky.

 I knew that Koios was forced to take the weight of the sky as Atlas the greatest warrior of the Titan army was preparing for the war but he won't be able to hold it up for much long. 

"Welcome," a loud voice boomed, a blinding light filled the room as Hyperion entered. 'The Gods have answered the challenge. Soon they will be crushed and we Titans will rule the world again and you Perseus Jackson should be made immortal and shall rule the oceans along with Oceanus.' 

'Thank You Hyperion, I urged the Gods to accept the challenge. Now i just have to defeat Hades so he won't play a role in the second Titanomachy. He is quite a powerful God, son of Kronos himself.' 

'Yes Perseus Jackson I believe that you will succeed but what about your father?'

'I will defeat him myself but for that i'll have to go Underworld'.

'But first go back to your camp and check out on the spy.'

After we had left Mount Othrys Nico said to me, 'Do you think it is okay to betray our family and friends?'

'Even after Bianca's death you think of the Gods as family. You know what happened with Calypso and  with Prometheus.' 

'I know about them but you know how the Fates work.' Nico said

'Yes i know but have Gods done for you or for me, they've sent me on stupid quests for them, even when i didn't knew that i was a half - blood Zeus suspected of stealing his lightning bolt. What kind of logic is that.' I told him

'So let's shadow travel to camp',and we melted away in the shadows.

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