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alright so here's a new story! Hopefully you enjoy and I would love to hear comments from ya guys! This is also posted on my livejournal account so ya...

Characters: Jaejoong
OC...not sure who yet

Summary: He was alone in the world and he wanted to escape. He felt there was nothing in his life that could make him change his mind until he met him...and then his eyes opened and he could see his life in a different light.

btw...this story is RATED; meaning there will be sex, drug-use, violence, possible rape, and language. you have been warned ^^ buuuuut there will be a lot of happiness and fluffiness too so enjoy nonetheless!




Chapter 1

Loneliness. That was the word Jaejoong had thought of as he ran from his house to escape his life. His mother didn't come after him and he was grateful but then she knew he would return. He always did.

He ran until he couldn't anymore but he had reached his destination. It was a park, shrouded with trees to give it a forest feeling. The trees weren't thick and they didn't block out the busy street beside it but it was enough. Jaejoong stumbled behind a tree and raised his knees up to his chin, tears threatening to break out. Even though he had a tough outlook, Jaejoong was very fragile and easily brought to tears. Especially when it came to his family. And the only person who knew was his best friend Changmin.

Changmin was like his other half as he put it, they were completetly opposite and yet bound together by some strange bond. It didn't matter if Changmin was younger, all that mattered is that the two of them had someone to turn to because Changmin didn't have an easy family life also.

Tears stained his cheeks, and his eyes felt heavy and swollen, Jaejoong tilted his head back and looked up at the sky, watching as the fluffy white clouds drifted by slowly. The gentle breeze that carried them ruffled his shaggy black hair and he closed his large teary eyes. The wind was always so annoying but today it was almost as though it wanted to blow all his troubles away.

His phone vibrated and he looked at the call display and sighed. He held it in his hands until it stopped ringing and flipped it open. There was no way he would be answering those calls tonight. But he needed a place to stay, and he knew exactly where to go. Sniffling Jaejoong dialled Changmin's number and let it ring, attempting to fight off the tears that still tumbled down his cheeks.
The chance to stop the tears wasn't successful when Changmin answered the phone.


"Cha—Changmin," Jaejoong said softly, so to cover his crack in his voice. Changmin wasn't fooled, and his tone became alert.

"Jae? Are you alright? What happened?"

"Um..." Jaejoong cleared his throat, but it felt thick and his face felt sticky from the onslaught of tears. "It's my parents...mom actually...do you think I could come over for the night? I don't want to go home right now."

"Yeah for sure. I'm at work right now though so give me a half an hour and I'll be done," Changmin said, gently this time. His voice was soothing already and Jaejoong could feel the tears slowly die down. "I'll meet you here 'kay?"

"'Kay," Jaejoong muttered softly, "see you in a bit." He hung up his phone and left his has drop limply to the side. He felt heavy and motionless, his head throbbing and his throat was sore. Nonetheless he willed himself to stand up and drew his hood over his head to block it from curious passersby and left, staying in the thin cover of the trees. He knew his mother wouldn't come looking for him but he felt better walking that way anyway.

[DBSK] Through His Eyes by dbsk_luverWhere stories live. Discover now