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Whether a person believes in fate, religion, world peace or yet another impossible vision does not matter when push comes to shove. If something exists, it will make itself known whether it is believed in it or not - circumstance has no respect for feelings or realism and hence a miracle or disaster happens occasionally, an event which can’t be rationally explained. These miracles rear their heads in the form of an infant who can simply touch a piano and begin to play like a professional, or a young woman who makes an impossible recovery from a deadly disease. But with good comes bad, and so disasters which have no explanations occur; such as the sudden heart attack of a non-smoker who eats healthily and attends the gym regularly, or a baby who is born into a world with no stable future for anyone or anything.

The bottom line is, life is unpredictable and there is always more to learn. A human might think they have everything figured out; a life plan with certain expectations, but merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time could crash through those dreams with reckless abandon. Nothing is certain and everything is for sale, which is probably why so many people took their own lives when it happened. This wasn’t a surprise – people killed themselves all the time, why not wait for an earth shattering event as an excuse? In many ways, death was an easy way out, the only way out unless a person was strong enough to cope. That’s one of the best things about people though, they adapt, which is exactly what had to be done considering the circumstances, the beautiful circumstances which offered mercy to no one. The situation was impossible.
But then, impossible is possible in the right conditions.

A pandemic swept the world, the kind which nobody could prepare for or anticipate. It would later be blamed on the sins of non-believers by Christians, while scientists would spread their own theories, all different. Amongst the chaos though, each and every person had an opinion about what was happening, but the truth was nobody knew. Not the politicians who tried to keep their heads above water and claim to know what they were doing, not the celebrities with their private jets and get out of jail free card and not the know-it-all civilians who thought they had it all under control.
The fact was, a greater force was taking over, and for once, humans were just the pawns in a game which could never, ever be won without a united front. And if there is one thing the human race lacks completely, its unity.

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