the crash

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* 8 year old Skylar's pov*
I giggled as my daddy told a joke. My mom was laughing in the passenger seat while I was in the back. My dad started to laugh as well. I looked down at my tablet. I was playing a child's TV show. Out of no where I heard someone scream
"Jake watch out!" I looked up and saw the front of a semi. I screamed and it hit us. I got my head on the window but I was still conscious. I looked at saw my parents throw their arms up. I looked around. Everything was sin slow motion for me. I heard a high ring in my ear. My vision was kind of blurry. The car was now rolling off the high way and we were going down the hill towards the river. we landed in ghe river a little tipped but not to much.I looked back at my parents. My dad was crush up to the steering wheel. And my mom had her head on the dash board. Both of them had wide eyes. I noticed the sirens and I got scared so I started to cry.

A couple minutes of crying I heard yelling.
"There's a child." I felt a pain in my head and I looked out the window which was smashed but I could see there was blood on it.

I started to freak out. Out of no where I saw to men in firefighter uniform. The had big scissor looking things. I think they were giant plyers. They used the tools to open the door. I heard a males voice whisper or should I say choke. I looked at my dad and he was blinking but very slowly.
"Jenna." I started to cry. He reached over and shook my mother. She didnt blink. She then fell over and her head hit the window. I started to cry when I heard him say
"Sky mommy and daddy love you. Stay safe. I love you baby." And he sighed and closed his eyes. I started to ball. I heard someone yell through the window
"Hunny we want you to cover your head ok!" I did and I heard banging then there was a crash. I felt prieces of something fall on me. I looked up and saw three fire fighters and one was holding a hammer. One of the fire fighters reached in and pulled me out. I looked down at my out for and saw my favorite pink tutu was all cut and blooding. I started to cry. A woman came running to me with a towel. Some men cane over with a bed. The man played me on it and the lady then yelled
"She has a injured head!" They brought me to an ambulance and the woman sat next to me. I was still laying on the bed. She then reached and dabbed my head with a wet cloth. I winced. She then pushed the bed more into the vehicle and she closed the doors. The ambulance started to move but she had strapped the bed down already and lifted it into a laller bed (stretcher) she then got a chair and sat next to me. She then wrapped my head in some kind of white long cloth. She then started t talk to me and ask me questions
"Hi honey!" I smiled and said hi. She smiled and said
"Can you tell em how old you are?" I nodded
"I-im 8." She nodded and wrote on to a clip board. She then turned to em and said
"Do you know what happened?" I looked at er nd started to tear up. I nodded and told her the whole story. She wrote it all down. When she finished writing we had arrived. I felt a sharp pain and I passed out.

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