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I got dressed and went over to augs place .When I pulled up to his gate it was a big tall datkskin funny looken nigga giving me a ugly ass glare

Amelia:fuck yo dark ass looken at

Nigga:u bitch *buffen at*

*gets out car*

Amelia:bitch u do not know me i will fyck yo fat ass up u big bitch

August:chill ma cum on

We walked in his house it was huge the lights were dim down and he was cooken the candles were lit while New editon played shivers slime down my spine

August:ma cum here

I walked to the detraction of his voice and i sat down

Amelia:yes mr.Alsina

August:taste this

I taste it while aug whiped my inner cheek

Amelia:mmmm wats this Auggy

August:oh i got a nick name ma,

Amelia:yes but what is this

August:my home made cream brocil mushroom soup

Amelia:its good
*puts arm around neck*

I crassed her cheek while we stared in each others eyes like it depend on it I lean in and she stoped

Amelia:we should start studying

August:yea u right

We walked in and sat on the coutches before we stated i played my song

Amelia:this my song

August:mines 2

We looked in each other eyes again and we lean in and kissed. Our lips moved sytnc and slow I rested my hand on her upper thigh then it got heated fast she climbed on my lap an bit my lip for a entrance an I did I explored her mouth while she did mine then she pulled away and was brethren hard she looked at me then down in embarrassed


August:don't say sorry ma I did all da work *pops collar*

Amelia:*chuckles* cocky much

August:a lil let's go eat
*reaches hand out*

Amelia:fine by me *takes hand*


Aww how cute lia and aug are

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