i rammed over someone again but atleast this time they were already dead

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"Shh," she stretched out in a whisper, her eyebrows furrowing with a drenched towel pressing against her boyfriend's head. "Don't say a word and just let me finish, you dingus."

Matt let a low chuckle erupt, causing Alicia's mouth to form a smile of her own, only to let it fall into a straight line when her corners twitched upward. Her hand stayed stiff on his forehead, letting gentle strokes emerge after seconds of resting and watched as Matt's eyelids started to droop. She repeats the gestures in an endless cycle, even after Matt was in a resting state. His chest started to pump in a slow rhythm and his body seemed to be motionless under her touch. When she was satisfied that he'd remain still, she left the towel onto his forehead, positioning herself on the bed to rest her elbows on her knees while her chin laid upon her palms. She let a smile tickle her mouth when Matt let out content sigh before leaving his body limp to rest.

She hasn't moved from her position for minutes, probably hours, when she found herself paralyzed at her spot from the presence of her boyfriend. She couldn't find it within her to muster up the action to be angry at the boy because of the situation he was found in. His temperature was very abnormal with a temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit causing a severe fever, but she ultimately decides to take care of his wounds without the knowledge of her parents knowing her location. The reminder of Matt abandoning Alicia in the beach was stitched onto her upper-left arm, the inking of the temporary tattoo slowly fading within the days.

"I'm sorry for not coming," Matt mumbled, startling Alicia from her thoughts. "I was in a strange situation and I couldn't get to the beach on time."

Alicia nodded in understanding, even though Matt couldn't see through his eyelids. "I didn't need an excuse to forgive you. I already have."

"That doesn't mean I forgive myself," he replied with a croaked throat, "I'm still sorry for letting you worry. I could still finish that tattoo, if you'd like."

Alicia answered with a humorless chuckle, "Why else had I went to the beach? Of course I want you to finish it, but not in..." She hesitantly gestures to all of Matt, "this state, surprisingly." The brunette muttered the last word. "You can finish it when you're feeling better, but right now, I'm worried that you're not getting enough rest."

Alicia could detect the slightest movement within Matt's head, indicating that he was weakly nodding to her words. Concern and fear fills her mind from her boyfriend's feeble state, permitting a shaky, inaudible breath leave her lungs when Matt begins to relax again. She spotted a patch of red-ish orange substance seeping in on his shirt near his shoulder when she found him twitching on the floor, but she never revealed the wound, fearing that she'd start to malfunction from the brimming thoughts of 'what ifs' that would most likely happen, considering that it seems to be like the end of the world, currently. She isn't a healer, but the miniature knowledge she knows about fevers would only help her now, and the irregular temperature was enough to make her explode with concerns.

After a little debating in her head, she shuffles out of the bed and advances towards the door with muted footsteps. "I'll be back, Matt. Don't do anything stupid."

"Like I already have," Matt weakly replies, a frail smile plastered on his face. The digits of his fingers lifted up in an attempt of waving goodbye. "Be careful."

Alicia didn't reply, but she left the room with a scrawny smirk, silently closing the door. Her mouth stilled into the smirk only for a few steps until it fell when she took the sight of the ruined living room.

The furniture's were in unusual places with scattered broken glass filtering the tiled floors and carpets. The rugs were dyed with blood that upholds dispersed kitchen utensils, knives wedged within walls with pairs of blades jammed onto the fractured television that multiplied the sheers of fragmented glass. The floor was completely roofed with glass that Alicia worried that she wouldn't make it through the exit without a cut shoe.

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