If only I was a Carrot (A Louis Tomlinson One Shot)

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Mirabella POV

Usually when my alarm clock started to buzz I would ignore it – yea, I would groan, slap the clock until it stopped, pull my blue sheets over my head and go back to sleep – but today was different. Today was a new day, filled with new things – no, not new day as in the Zen stuff but as in I was going to do something different and something I haven’t been able to do since I was younger. Today I got to see old friend Louis Tomlinson and the rest of the group which was now the well known band One Direction.

I slapped my hand down on the buzzer, as per usual, but instead of staying in bed and instead of jumping out of my bed like I imagined I would, I pushed back my sheets slowly and stepped off the mattress. Walking over to my dresser, my nerves rose a tiny bit with each step making it hard to fish through my draws properly as I looked for my favourite swimsuit and skinny jeans. Louis and I, we go way back. As far I can remember so I was sure he wouldn’t care if I showed up in my least favourite swimsuit but today was all about how I felt around him. I would be taking a step forward in making things easier if I was comfortable with what I was wearing.

We hadn’t seen each other in a couple of years but if things had stayed the same he would still be my best friend who used to make me eat mud cakes as dare punishments and the guy who put salt in Harry’s tea instead of sugar. That was thing I tried to focus on as I tied my halter neck bikini. I focused on all the good times filled with laughter as I got dressed, hoping that he hadn’t changed too much from the dag that I had once known.

As I stepped into the kitchen, feeling the warm sun on my skin as it spilled in from the open windows something told me today was going to be a good day. It was going to be a beautiful day filled with sunshine, green grass, deep blue water and catching up with old friends. Everything told me that fame couldn’t have change good old Lou that much – or enough for us to feel awkward around each other – but I could help but worry about it. It was like a pressure on the back of my mind, I was so focused on it I had absent mindedly went to the fridge, pulling out a carrot and started peeling it before I even noticed.

I had planned to make scrambled eggs and crunchy bacon for breakfast but the universe, or rather my stomach, thought different. My mind must have been running through the last memories I had of Louis and Harry. It was of Harry running towards me with a laptop, ranting about how he had to show me something. It was the first ever video they had made that I had watched and it was at the point where Louis stating he liked girls who ate carrots. Well, carrots were my favourite food, along with apples.

Shrugging my shoulder, I took a bite out of the carrot and walked back up stairs to find a lightweight t-shirt to throw on over my bikini before even thinking about looking at my face and hair in a mirror. I ended up going over to my wardrobe, settling for a white blouse with sleeves that ended just above my elbow and was slightly see through. Nothing fancy, just something that was close to what I wanted while something I wasn’t going to worry about getting dirty.

I stepped into my bathroom, to find a red headed girl with dark circles and pale skin looking back at me. Her freckles were paler than usual with her curls not sitting in any shape that could be allowed to be seen by the public. I automatically reached for liquid foundation having to stop myself because of the particular water hazard that was going to turn up some time today. So concealer, tinted moisturiser and sun block it was today. As I covered up my circles with concealer, I started to wake up to the point where I could conceive time.

I was quickly running out of it. I mustn’t have set the right time on my alarm clock because I was about half an hour behind schedule and had to leave in twenty minutes. After trying to brush my curls neat with an extra wide tooth comb, I had to grab the curler to give my loose curls back their neatness. This took up all of my time, leaving me running around the house looking for my sunnies, sun block, keys, phone and towel to shovel into my bag before yelling goodbye to Sophia, my stepsister who was only supposed to be crashing here for a few days while her apartment got repainted.

If only I was a Carrot (A Louis Tomlinson One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now