Chapter 5.

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"Do you know him of some sort?" The lady asked.

"I'm his friend." She gave him an uncertain look, a judgmental one.

"Are you sure? What's your name?"

"Louis Tomlinson." Her eyes widen, she types something in her computer before smiling back at louis, she then leads him to Harry's office.

It was foreign to Louis, everything was big, everything was fancy, too fancy. Smiling to himself he always knew Harry loved expensive things, he always loved to seem like the rich and spoiled, everything had to look expensive when it only costed 20 bucks.

"Here you go." The lady smiled, gesturing to the large glass doors, revealing a suited Harry writing something in his notebook. The look of concentration clear on his face as his eyebrows are furrowed together.

Louis quietly entered the office, Harry still not acknowledging the fact that he has walked in and taken a seat across from him. He looked around, obversing the large office, the rest of Manhattan viewed through the large windows around, it was beautiful.

He cleared his throat, getting impatient as he was still waiting for Harry to acknowledge his presence. Harry got startled, widening his eyes as he saw Louis sat across from him.

"H-hello." Harry stared.

"Hi." Louis shyly looked away from his tense gaze.

"How may I help you? Where'd you find me? Who let you in?" So many questions roamed through Harrys head.

"Always was the questioner Harry." Louis chuckled, getting up from his seat, walking around the room.

"Sorry Louis, I just, how do you know my name?"

"How do you know mine?" Louis challenged.

"Your jacket says Louis, so I figured."

"I stand corrected. I'm here for a position in your business."

Harry looked at him, confused at first till he processed his words.

"Do you have some sort of records?" Louis gave him a look.

"Obviously not." That didn't help Harry whatsoever, he didn't know the boy that well, he knew he was homeless, but what if he had bad intentions.

"I dont know Louis, I don't know you very well to actually let you have an opening position in my business." That's when Louis broke down. Harry's eyes widen, getting up from his seat and walked to the boy. Why was he crying? He didn't know.

"Hey." Harry held his breath as he held Louis, he couldn't help it, he smelled horrible.

"I-i need this H-harry. I'm t-tired of living in the st-streets, you h-have no idea how hard it is." Louis sobbed. Harry suddenly felt so much pity towards the small boy. He didnt understand and he couldn't do much, he was thinking about it, the idea of Louis working for him. He knew if he did offer him a job, Louis can have a home, new clothes, and food and water everyday. He didn't want to risk his business because of a homeless man and his unsure bad intentions. But he felt so much pity towards the boy he couldn't help but to negotiate with him about his upcoming procedures in his chosen position.

"Thank you!" Louis tightly hugged Harry, catching Harry off guard, wrapping his arms around him afterwards.

A cough broke them apart.


"H-hey love." Harry let go of Louis, walking towards his boyfriend. Louis looked at the couple, natural expression on his delicate features. The two men kissed each other, holding hands before looking back at Louis, who was scowling at them.

The Nature of Louis Tomlinson (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now