Budo loves me [part 2]

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I never met this boy I've never had feelings for anyone except for him you know who he is my one and only sempi I couldn't imagine me dating someone else than him but this boy he was different he showed me I had more feelings than just two of them. I noticed that he's part of The martial arts club so I noticed that they also need the new members so I decided I would join to get close to that probably was the smartest thing I've done. I was actually really happy that Idid it I couldn't imagine myself right now without joining. so I walked over to the boy and I found out when I texted Info-chan that his name was budo all I loved about him was every day he was strong and cute and seemed lovable so I walked over to the club doors open them and I asked him "Can I join the club?" and he said "y-y-yeah sure" with the blush on his cheeks it was so cute I almost fainted. I believe that he must've had feelings for me too so I started and I got my headband on but it wasn't staying on my head it kept untying well I was just putting it on me so he walked up to me and said "here all help you" than i took a hold of my ponytail as he tied the tie around my head perfectly if it really well and
was surprisingly well fitting and
whenever he saw me he blushed I think he likes me too.

Budo loves me ( Yandere x budo ) Where stories live. Discover now