The Celestial Knight (One Shot Contest)

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I can't breathe. My entire being is focused on the one thing keeping me alive, literally in someone else's hands!

Even with her expression set in one of horror, I know she did it on purpose. Courtney doesn't understand that I actually fit in here with the rest of students, even being human.

All of a sudden, Courtney is shoved from overtop of me and Corvan, of all people, replaces her. His mouth is frantically moving, but I don't hear anything. He looks angry though, which confuses me. Wouldn't he be happy that I'm dying? I won't be around to harass him or have to put up with our constant training.

I feel myself begin to hyperventilate and my vision quickly starts to fade into fuzzy colors and black dots. I vaguely feel someone shaking me, over and over again, but I let my eyes close.

Suddenly, I feel a pressure on my mouth and in the next few seconds my lungs fill with some much needed air. This happens for a little longer until I feel my senses coming back to me. Able to actually think again, I begin to wonder how I was able to breathe-

Wait... is someone giving me mouth-to-mouth?! I'm not drowning!

My eyes snap open and I roughly push away the person on top of me. Sitting up, I move a few feet away before looking back at my helper.

"CORVAN?! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?" I wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand, but I can feel it deep, deep down, that I actually liked it. No, bad thoughts!

"Saving your life. You stopped breathing." He replies, rubbing the back of his head. I blink and narrow my eyes a little when I see some color flooding into his cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?"

"I don't blush!" He snaps back before grabbing my arm. In one swift movement, he lifts me into his arms.

"Hey, put me down!"

"Corvan, take her to the infirmary." The Headmaster orders. My head snaps to look at him. I forgot he was even here!

"No, just-"

"Shut up!" Corvan snaps, practically running down the halls. I turn my head to say something else, but the words die in my throat. He's looking right at me, eyes burning with determination. If I wasn't watching closely, I wouldn't have seen the flash of uncertainty go through them, but I did. Before I can ask, he closes the distance between out faces and kisses me. It's quick, but has me frozen in surprise.

He pulls away and avoids looking at me.

"In case you end up dying."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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