The Dark

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                       The Dark

     I was in my house alone. I hated being home alone. Always felt like someone, or something, will break in and try hurting me. Anyway, I was babysitting for the Nixon's who didn't live far from my house. maybe about 15 or 30 minutes away. They dropped off their daughter and son. They are sweet little kids. Their daughter was three and named Kay. Their son was nine and named Ricky but I juster called him Rick. I thought Ricky was a weird name but his mother tells me to call him Ricky so I do... when she's around. Kay is a weird name as well but it pretty.

     I don't like babysitting at night. It just freaks me out because some little kids are creepy. They, just so happens, to like scaring me. I love them to death but still. Creepy. I have finaly got them to eat their dinner which was Mac n' Cheese with mashed potatos. I made sure the Mac n' Cheese was exra chessy and creamy for them. I made that because it was easy to make. I'm not the best cool. They told me they loved it. That made me smile.

     After they were done eating, they begged to watch TV before they took baths, brush their teeth, and went to bed. I tryed to not cave in but it wasn't easy. They won. I told them "30 minutes then go do what you need to do." That made them happy. Kay asked "Can you watch it with us?" They were watching Dora. Kay loves Dora. I replied, "Of course I can, Sweetness." It was the one about the snow princess. Soar looked like the princess so people thought she was the princess but the real princess was kidnapped so Dora helped free her. Kay loved it. Rick, on the other hand, not so much. I promisedhim he could watch whatever he wanted in the morning. That made him happy.

     Finally, it was time for them to get ready for bed. I had to help Kay with her bath. Rick took a shower in my moms' bathroom. Mom won't be to happy about that. I helped Kay brush her teeth and get into her pjs. I took them into the guest room and tucked them in, even Rick wanted me to do that for him. As I walked out the room, I turned off the light and Kay screamed. I turned on the light quickly and asked "What's wrong?" She yelled, " Don't let the dark get me! Don't let it get me!" I ran to her and calmed her down. "I won't, sweetie. I won't." I told her I'll keep the light on her and she smiled and laid back down. Rick sat up and said "I won't be able to sleep now." I told him to cover his head with the blanket. He did and said "That works." I finally left the room, making sure to keep the light on. I also left the door open just in case she freaks out again. I want to be able to hear her.

     I walked back to the living room and sat on the leather couch. I changed the TV to family guy. I hear a loud bang outside. It made me jump. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and looked around. It was cold and windy. The shadows of the trees looked like hands of witches. As I looked around, I thought I saw someone or something. 'I must be just been seeing things' I thought. What I didn't see was anything that could have made that noise. 'I'm going crazy.' I thought, 'Seeing and hearing things.' I close the door and locked it.

     Probably should tell you what my house looks like. It was a two story house. The outside walls were a light blue and red. We had six bedrooms and five bathrooms. There's no bathroom in the guest room. There was two bedrooms downstairs which were My room and my parents.

     The kitchen is small. It's not all that pretty. It is an yellow color. Everything is that color. Never understood why they didn't paint it a better color.

     The dining room was much prettier. It has dark brown walls and a light brown carpet. The table is made of stained wood and so are the chairs.

     The living room is on the first floor as well. The walls are a dark blue and the carpet is light gray. There's a dark brown leather couch in the center of the room. The TV is pretty big. I don't remember the exact measurements but it takes up most of the wall.

     The laundry room is small but not much in there. Everything there is white.

     The other bed rooms are on the top floor. All of those were for my siblings but they all moved out. We changed one of them to a guest room.

     The guest room is not very big but its big enough for two medium sized beds. They both had blue covers, sheets, pillow cases. There is a window between the beds looking out towards the woods that is around the house. There is a toy box for the little kids toys. Its one of those old boxes with different types of toys painted on it like a Jack-in-a-the-box, clowns, little rocking horses, and some other things. There is a small dresser for their clothes and a closet that they never go in.

     Anyway, I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. After a few minutes I heard thunder in the distance. "Oh no.." I said, "Please don't come this way." It did. Then I hoped it doesn't make the power go out. It did. As soon as the power went out, I heard Kay scream. I ran up the stairs, grabbing a flashlight and turned it on, to the guest room. When I got to the room I walked to Kay. She looked at me and ran to me. She locked her arms around my legs as she screamed "The dark is gonna get me!" Rick walked to me, looking scared as well. "I thought I saw someone, or something, run into the closet" he said with a shaky voice. I told him to take Kay and sit on his bed. I gave him the flashlight so Kay would follow him. I used my cell phone as a flashlight.

     I slowly walked to the closet and opened it. I looked around and saw nothing. They are just seeing things I thought. I turned around and saw that Kay and Rick weren't there. "Kay! Rick!" I yelled but no one answered. I walked around upstairs and still didn't see them so I went downstairs and looked around but they weren't there.

     I had to go outside. I hate to admit it, but I hate the dark. It freaks me out. I had never liked it and never will, but I had to find them. I walked out slowly. I flashed my phone around but didn't see them. I had to walk out farther. As I walked, I flashed my phone around. I got to the road and still no Kay or Rick. As I turned to go back I saw something move into a shadow. "Rick, Kay!?" I yelled but once again, no answer. I ran back to the house and went inside. I locked the door then put my hand on my chest. My heart felt like it was going to exploded. I took a deep breath to slow it down.

     I walked to the telephone, land line, and called 911. I them that u looked for them but couldn't find them. They asked for my name and where I lived. I told them, "My name it Belle Elaine and I live at 3267 Birdview Drive." They told ne they would be here soon. I hanged up the phone and sat on the couch. It was cold in the house. Made since though because the power was out. I was curious to what the temperature was so I looked at the box that I use to change the temperature, it has a thermometer on it, and it was on. The power was still on. 'Hows is the power on when its so dark?' I wandered. That's when I heared a scream.

     I jumped and ran to the sound then I screamed. Rick and Kay were nailed to the wall in the dining room. Understand them was something written in blood, "You let me get them" I backed up with tears in my eyes. I backed in to a mass that wasn't supposed to be there. I turned around and screamed...

2 hours later...

     The cops called us and informed us that something has happened and we must get to the Elaine's house. We finally got here and we see the cops pulling Mrs. and Mr. Elaine out of their home. Mrs. Elaine is crying hysterically while Mr. Elaine is just staring at nothing. We are walked to the house and the cops stopped us. "You don't want to go in there." One said to me. I yell, "Let me in there NOW!" They move out the way. I ran to the dining room and scream. My little girl and boy are nailed to the wall with the words, "You let me get them" written under them in blood. Their blood. I felt something wet drop on my nose. I touche my nose and look at my finger. It is red. I look up and there in Belle with a terrified face, nailed to the ceiling with the words written in blood, "And now I got you"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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